4:58 PM

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That was the first step towards hell. The first push forward. The first mistake. If you could take it all back you would. You wouldn't be where you are right now. Any chance you had you would have taken it. But here we are, standing at the top of the stairs, waiting to push the door open to the roof. The push of the door is next. Then the next step forward. This will determine what happens next. Will you open that door, or will you retrace your steps back down the stairs to the outside? You push the door open. You take a small step forward, know that if the door closes behind you, there is only was back down. The door closed behind you. You felt the small breeze come from it. You took the first step once again. The step to the end of this game. Is it a good or a bad end, nobody knows. Only you.  The second and third step brought the end. The fourth and fifth came next, confirming your decision. The six and seventh step brought you to the epilogue. And the eighth step brought you to the conclusion. Step nine was the last. It brought you to the edge. Step ten wasn't exactly a step. More like a free fall. A fall to the end. A fall into hell. Into the end. The after life. That was the last step towards your life.

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