I am a Bitch they say but I say I am Elena
17 years living alone, without anyone by my side other than my pregnant selfI left home 4 months ago without a word when I found out I was prgenant
I was only 16 what should I have done I knew my parents wouldnt have accepted it they're strongly religious
The father of my child still doesnt know why I suddenly disappeared without a warning just like my family doesnt know
I live in a small apartment in london and work in a bakery two streets away I dont earn much at the bakery I dont have many clothes and I dont have pretty stuff I just got my baby and myself
London is amazing and much prettier than the country I used to live but anyway that is the past, now is the future
So today my best friend emely came to visit me, I met her at the bakery she goes to school and often comes to the bakery to buy sweets
She loves candy food and sleep, She's crazy just like me we are pretty much the same person
So as I and Emely sat on my small couch, that my neighbor gave me, she told me she thought about a name for the baby"I think that If its a boy we should call it Demyan and If it is a girl we should call it Alyzea do you like the names?" She said exited and smiled so bright that I started smiling too
"Yeah the names are pretty cute but stop smiling like that its kinda creeping me out"
I said and shook my head while laughing loud"Ugh you always have to ruin the moment I was being so cute now go and make me some food I am hungry as fuck" she said and I made a annoyed face
"yeah but why dont you eat at home" I said just to seem annoyed but I didnt mind her coming and eating at my place because at least I had he
"my mom wont come home till tomorrow, I cant cook , my siblings cant either "she said and showed me the middlefinger
"Didnt your mum leave you guys like a ton of money?" "Elliot spent our whole money on an iPhone which is so stupid Mum's gonna kill him for that but me and alissa cant say anything since we're younger its so annoying"
I laughed "at least you got them I miss my brothers even though they were younger and so annoying but I would do anything to see my mum and my brothers again"
I thought about luca, noah and my mum I missed them so much