Chapter Twenty-Five

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I woke up rather fast to get away from my nightmare. I wiped away all the sweat that was pouring from my forehead, I must have not been loud if Demi didn't come in and rapidly shake me.

As I sat up, I immediately winced at the pain that shot through me. That's when I remembered, I was beaten. I carefully rolled over to my cabinet and grabbed my phone. It was only 4:37 am.

I laid back down to see if I could fall asleep but there was no use. Instead, I slowly but gently made my way to Demi's room, popping my head in to see if she was awake. She wasn't unfortunately but I still decided to lay down next to her and place her arm over me. I felt protected that I actually managed to sleep.



I woke up to a gentle shake. As I flickered my eyes open, I notice it was just Demi.

"Morning," I mumbled.

"Morning to you too." She chuckled, "when did you get into my bed?"

"Last night, sorry. I had a nightmare and couldn't fall back to sleep."

"It's okay, I'm glad you came to me but you could have woken me up and I would have helped."

"I know but I didn't want to because I thought you'll get mad at me for waking you up early in the morning. Besides, you looked peaceful." I giggled.

She chuckled and got out of bed, "Nah I wouldn't have got mad."


"Get up, we are going to see my family today."

"Looking like this?" I gestured to my face.

"Well they know about this situation but I'll put makeup on to cover it up a bit anyway. Now come on."

She pulled off the blanket and left me in the freezing cold. I groaned and got out of bed and walked to my room to get myself ready. Once I picked out my clothes, I got into the shower and washed.

"Sab, your breakfast is on the table!" Demi shouted.


I gently washed my face and chest to reduce the pain that was hurting badly. Once it had cooled down a bit, I got out and got myself dried and ready.

I ate my breakfast and Demi came down with her makeup box. She gently patted whatever that weird looking substance was - concealer- and cleaned up the house.

Once it was all finished, we both headed to the car. Demi's family wasn't far from us, they moved to LA not long ago so it's easier to pop in and see them.

"Dianna!" I ran and hugged her.

"Hey darling, hey Demi."

"Hey, momma."

I greeted the rest of the family and made my way to Maddie's room. We got along just fine which was great because I was scared she was going to hate me.

"Hey mads." I jumped on her bed.

"Oh, hey Sab."

"Whatcha doin'?" I looked at her glueing shit together.

"I have to do a project for my science class."

"Ooo that's cool."

"Not really, I hate science." She chuckled.

There was silence between us which was kinda awkward as I didn't have anything else to say. Instead, I just watched her put pieces together on the project.

Time went fast and before I knew it, it was dinner time. Maddie ended up finishing her project which was great because it got less awkward as we played some board games.


"That was delicious, Dianna." I licked my lips and put my empty plate into the sink.

Once we were all finished and cleaned, Demi decided to head back home. I said my goodbyes before walking out to the car.

"Did you have fun with Mads today?"

"Yeah, I mean at first it was awkward because she was doing her project but after she finished we played board games."

"That's good then."

She made her way into the driveway and I immediately got out. I changed into my PJs and ran back downstairs to relax on the couch with Demi. She wrapped her arms around me while I put my head in the crook of her neck.

This is the place where I'd love to always be.

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