Chapter 1

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"What happened", a young boy thought to him, "I'm scared, I can't see anything and everything hurts." The boy felt his body being picked up by what felt like metallic heads with needles attached to the finger tips, "Nurse Valentine grab that arm for me", a man with a somewhat robotic voice called out, "Yes sir", a seductive female voice said back to him. The boy felt himself get placed on something, I felt like a metal table of some kind, "This child is pretty beat up", the man said brushing his fingers across the his leg followed by several cracking sound. "Did you step on a skull or something, there's an awful lot of bones in here but what you expect from the Skullgirl's little hideout", the female voice said drawing closer to the boy. "Not at all this child has multiple fractures and broken bones from what I can gather now", the man said, "Maybe even more, but we won't know for sure until we get him under a x-ray", the man continued. A small sound rang out as if a skull had fall from a high up place and cracked on the ground, "Huh-", the women said, "-hey you there", the man called out, "I have to get out of here", a girl said, her voice sound distant and far off, followed by footsteps growing fainter and fainter, "Valentine get her", the man said, "Yes sir", the women said who the boy could only assume was Valentine said as he heard wind rush upward past his body as if she jumped into the air. "Could it be-", the man said to himself, suddenly the floor shook underneath them both followed by the moans and groans of a women with a distorted voice as if she had more than one voice speaking at the same time. "No no-", the women said, "This can't be happening", she screamed. A splat sound followed as the women screamed out in pain, "I see she's turning already", the man said as he began pushing the metal table up what seemed like stairs. The boy felt his heart slow, his earing began to fade and his body felt cold, flashbacks played in his head. He felt him reaching into someone's chest and pulling something that felt like a burning hot coal out, then sticking it into some amalgamation of a person, "Grant my damn wish", rang out in his head as his life faded away.

"So is this what death feels like", he said as all the feeling of his body faded, he felt out of his body only for a moment before being yanked back into life and woken up a sharp pain in his left arm, he screamed out in pain as he clenched his right hand. "Hold still boy, the kind Nurse Valentine is just reattaching the sinew's in your arm then she'll stitch it up ok", the man said as he held the boy down. He thrashed about more desperately trying to free himself from this man's grasp, he felt the man lift on hand off his body before feeling someone slap him across the face, "You bastard let me the hell go, fight me when I'm not being held down", the boy screamed at him. He wished to look at his attacker he opened his eyes ans was blinded by a operating light beaming down on him, a shadow then came into view, from what he could make out a somewhat bulky man wearing a brown buttom up trenchcoat, he was wearing some weird mask with two spikes on the side with something pink on his head, that's all the boy could make out thanks to the light. All the pain in his left arm ceased, "His arm is back on Brain Drain and for the last time just call me Valentine not Nurse Valentine, you know I hate formalities", Valentine said to the man, the boy looked to his left side to see a blue hair caucasian women wearing what seemed like a white thigh lenght nurse dress with a white surgical mask on, he tried to get a better look but his vision was blurred as they were trying to adjust to the light. Brain Drain grabbed his face, his cold metallic hands sent chills down the boy's spine, he forcibly turned his face to face a small handheld mirror, "Remember this face, child, this will be the last time you look like this", Brain Drain told the boy, "Your new name will be Skullunit-42A", Brain Drain said to the boy. The boy looked upon his face, he had medium toned brown skin with crystal blue eyes and black hair that reached down to his neck, his face was bruised and blood leaked from the top of his head and dried up blood on the edges of his lips. Brain Drain moved the mirror allowing the light to blind him once again, he then handed her a syringe with a glowing blue liquid inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2017 ⏰

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