Chapter 1

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"Dean, I don't think this is a good idea..." Castiel Novak looked behind them nervously, almost as if expecting to see someone following them as they turned onto the dirt road, moving off the highway. 

"Lighten up a bit, Cassie." Dean Winchester gave him a reassuring smile. "I've been down this way too many times to count. The only thing I've ever come across is a dead coyote."

"That... isn't reassuring at all." Cas looked around with panicked eyes. "There are coyotes here, and what killed the one you found?"

"Cas, seriously." Dean let out a laugh that almost seemed to echo through the silence of the surrounding area. "You can relax. It was probably just a hunter that had killed it."

"A hunter would have picked up the body."

"Castiel, come on. You're just being childish. Just enjoy the walk."

"How can I? There are wild animals that could kill us! And no one would ever find our bodies! And our families would never know what happened to us! And our bodies would be eaten and our bones would be scattered, and they'd never be able to find-"

Dean covered Castiel's mouth. "How about you don't think about that? It'll make the walk a lot easier on your mind."

Cas nodded softly and waited for Dean to remove his hand. "It's just hard not to think about that."

"I know, Cas. I know. But try to enjoy yourself. We're almost there."

"Speaking of, will you tell me where we're going yet?" Yep. Dean had dragged him three miles out of town without telling him where they were going. Some friend, right? He could be dragging Castiel out to slaughter him in the woods, and no one would ever know. Now, was Castiel being paranoid? Probably. But also probably not. It could happen.

"Nope. That would ruin the surprise." Dean smiled widely at him.

"Deeeeaaaaaan," he whined. "Maybe I'd calm down if you told me."

"Nice try, Cassie. I'm not saying." He took Cas' hand and pulled him sharply off to the right, off of the trail and further into the woods.

"Oh, so you're getting me lost. Thank you, Dean. That means so much to me."

~~This is a new story. She only wrote this first part of it, but I figured she'd still want it shared...even though she'd probably yell at me for doing this since she isn't done. Thank you guys for supporting my sister in her writing. -Bre~~

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2018 ⏰

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