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"Kai wait up!" My feet could barely keep up with hers as we ran through the park dashing past the playground towards the street.

"You're way too slow Kyle!" she yelled back, her laughter carried away by the wind. Our life was always like this. Kyle and Kai. Mom and Dad called it an endless game of follow the leader. Only Kai was always the leader, but it never bothered me. She always had the best pranks, the smartest get-aways, and the most secret hiding places. And she always knew how to get me out of trouble.

We made it to the street in no time, our matching black converse stopping on the dime as soon as we hit the sidewalk. She had her hands on her knees panting slowly. Her endless blonde curls falling softly around her face. I always wanted to reach out and touch them, but I couldn't because then I would get cooties.

"Kyle we have to hold hands when we cross the street. that's what Mom and Dad say." She looked me straight in the face her blue eyes staring at mine expectantly as she held out her hand.

"Do we have too?" I whined. Even though secretly I really wanted too.

"Kyle you know cooties arent real, your friends are just stupid." She whined back. She always seemed to read my mind. "Just do it already, I dont have all day." She added frustrated. I knew Kai would stand here forever until I agreed but I knew better than to argue with her. I slipped my hand in hers trying hard to hide the blush heating up my face.

We crossed the street quickly and I immediately pulled away not wanting to be caught by any of my friends holding a girl's hands. I followed her into her house not even bothering to ask permission. We were just that close.

"So whaddya wanna do green?" My face heated up at my

nickname she had given me. I had asked her once why she called me that, and she said it was because my eyes were her favorite color, green. Now she always calls me it and I always get embarrased.

"We could play a game." I suggested pointing to the closet that contained her endless supply of board games.

"No we did that yesterday." Suddenly her blue eyes lit up with excitement,"Ooh let's play pretend." She practically screamed. I just shrugged. She would get her way no matter what I said.

"What should we pretend?"I asked warily knowing she would probably pick something girly.

"How about sleeping beauty." I groaned. It wasn't even because of the story. It was because she always made me play the princess. Yeah, really.

I followed her up to her room climbing ths stairs slowly as if I was walking to my death.

"Don't be such a baby green, hurry up." She called down towards me. I picked up my pace slightly, entering her room just as she was picking up a sword. I looked away quickly trying not to show how angry I was at having to play a princess. I distracted myself by looking around her room that was always completely covered in green. Green curtains, green pillowcases, even green wallpaper lining her light green walls.

"Kyle!" She exclaimed waving her sword in front of my face before stopping and holding it out to me. "I want you to play the prince this time."

"Why?" I was suprised. This never happened. Ever. I couldn't help but wonder why the sudden change.

"Because.." she started, her voice breaking. And then I knew what was coming. "Because this is our last time playing forevers." She finished her breath catching at the end. My throat felt choked as I took the sword from her hands. She gave me a watery smile as she opened the story book and started reading.

We played for what felt like hours but was probably a few minutes before we got to the most important part. She was lying on the bed, her eyes closed, awaiting the prince's kiss. Her hair fanned around her, covering almost the entire top half of the bed. It caught the sunlight glowing just like a halo, bright and golden. Normally we would pretend kiss and then we would finish with a floursih, bowing to fake audience but this time was different.

I was moving. I was leaving my best friend that I had spent most of my life with. I would probably never see her again just because of my dad's stupid job. And if this was my last time seeing her I didn't want to end with just pretend. I padded nervously to the edge of the bed leaning over staring into her peaceful face. I softly brushed some of her halo out of her eyes hesitating for a second before I reminded myself that cooties werenet real. And then I kissed her.

I thought she would scream or push me away. But she didn't. She just let me do it. When I pulled away her blue eyes opened, already filling with tears. She popped up and threw her tiny arms around me hugging her tight.

"I loves you lots." She choked out. And I hugged her tightly back crying to much to respond. Because this was the last time I could hug her. My best friend. My favorite playmate.

My angel.


It's just an idea but if you guys like it I'll keep going. So vote comment or fan. I need readers to keep going.

Hugz and Kissez.

Me, Myself, and Kai (Teen Romance)Where stories live. Discover now