we all have our beasts

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long ago in a far away village lived a very average looking girl named Jain . Jain was so average looking in fact that everyone in the village referred to her as plain Jain,but there was something about Jain that wasn't so average.for wherever Jain went a huge horrible monster followed her this monster had many faces and everyone in the village knew that whomever this monster decided to follow, the person they were following would not survive. this  monster was known as cancer.

one day while Jain was walking through the forest trying to hide from the monster she tripped and fell and landed on something soft ."soft?" Jain thought when she looked to see what she fell on she saw that it was not the hard ground but rather a very handsome young man who looked to  be roughly her age.he had had deep green eyes brighter than the leaves of the forest trees and a strong jawline with chiseled features. Jain could not believe her eyes .never in her life had she seen anyone as handsome as he 

"not that im not enjoying this but would  you mind getting off me?" he said

Jain was at a loss or words .his voice was soft and demanding at the same time which only added to his already Adonis like features. jain quickly scrambled to get off him."ugh sorr...y i-i just i umh.." Jain could not formulate a coherent sentence .he chuckled at her obvious nervousness "im Brandon and who might you be cutie" he asked 

Jain could not help but blush at him calling her cutie

"im...im..jain "she finally manged to say

 "ah beautiful name for  a beautiful girl" she blushed again 

"so tell me jain why is it that a beautiful girl such as yourself is out here alone and falling for me ...literally" he asked with a smile .

"i was trying to escape something that keeps following me "she blurted out and then instantly covered her mouth.she did not want to scare him off before she even got a chance to get to know him. Jain hadn't had many encounters with boys her age or any boys for that matter as they were all scared that her beast would start following them as well but Jain could tell that Brandon was different mostly due to the fact that he had not run away screaming from her .

"and what is it my dear that keeps following you ?" Brandon asked .Jain was not sure whether she should tell him or not 

"a beast " she said

"does this the beast have a name "he asked smirking

"cancer"she said .His smirk instantly fell and was replaced with a sad look . Jain instantly regretted telling him.

"that beast follows me too"he said sadly 

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