We Are Simply Meant To Be

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We're Simply Meant to Be:

Halloween Night. The folks of the fog shrouded town gathered in the heart of the town by the fountain that spewed green rather than clear water. They chattered excitedly at the night's events. The children no doubt having nightmares right now and the parents up all night trying to soothe them with the stuffed candy bags they had collected. One citizen sat perched in one of the moving trees that contained hanging skeletons that clapped along with the others.

The shy little doll was beautiful even with the visible stitches across his face and where his body connected such as his neck, arms, legs, wrists, ankles, and other places. His homemade, patchwork dress fit him perfectly. The people sang as a scarecrow was pulled in on a straw horse and lit itself on fire before diving into the fountain. Out of the depths rose a handsome, tall figure all in black. His colorful locks wild and his red eyes gleaming. His signature smirk ever present. The doll sighed dreamily. This figure...their pumpkin king, their most beloved citizen, the master of terror. The man who could scream like a banshee and make the strongest man cry...his best friend. Yugi had made his suit lovingly.

/Does he notice my feelings for him? And will he see, how much he means to me?/ Yugi sang softly in his head. Atem seemed busy with the usual praise upon his return. Yugi checked the clock. He hopped from the tree thanking it for its service. He had to meet another more secret friend no one knew of. He began to creep away.

"Boo." said a deep voice. Yugi spun around and smiled. He prayed no stitches were hanging loose. That would be tacky. "Atem." he greeted. "Um...uh...that was a wonderful show. You're best ever."

"thank you Aibou now where were you heading on this simply horrify night?" Atem asked some concern in his dark voice that was rare to get around those that only knew Atem for a short time while Yugi had known Atem since he was sewn together.

"I...I was going to visit someone." he thought he saw those ruby eyes cloud with something. Jealousy? Couldn't be. Atem always encouraged they stood together. Ever since they had left the human world and established Halloweentown many many years ago to escape prejudice for just being...monsters.

"Do I know this friend you're going to see?" Atem asked a hint of -jealousy- in his voice a bit stronger than last time.

"Well...um...I'm not sure. He likes his privacy." Atem noticed a basket containing red and white thread, a bottle of milk, and Yugi's famous goosebump cookies. They literally gave the eater goosebumps but they were delicious! "He's very sweet though so don't worry." Yugi assured.

"I trust you Yugi just don't get into trouble." Atem requested the young one.

"Maybe I can introduce you sometime. I mean, you're the only friends I have." His friends... and he had crushes on both! He could never tell them though.

/No I think not. It's never to become. For I am not the one.../ Yugi recited the poem/song he'd written in his mind sadly.

"At least bring Sparky with you." Atem pleaded swiping a cookie from Yugi's basket.

Yugi smiled and walked away followed by Sparky who bounced around Yugi excitedly. He never was this happy with other people but Yugi was special. Atem watched them head toward the graveyard. He made a vow. Next Halloween, Yugi would be his Pumpkin Queen. He sighed and glanced back at the after-party. He considered following Yugi. He'd been sneaking to his secret friend a great deal. He smirked. That sounded like fun. And something new.

Yugi made his way past the ancient graves and into the woods. He paused and bent down to Sparky's level. "No chasing those poor elves this time. The dear things will be very busy in the shop."

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