In the Beginning...

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My town is so peaceful and quiet. The children here are exactly the same. I go to school three days a week, because there is so much to do these days. I have to do what my mother taught me to do before she died, and before I got married. In our town, you get married as soon as you're sixteen. It's the only way to get used to the real world. Everything seemed to be in order in my little town, until she came.

I was in my Science class when she arrived. She had a gorgeous smile, silky-black hair, and a baby blue and white outfit on. I assumed I wasn't the only one who was looking at her, and I was right. Jonna was already looking at her in disgust, and I knew that this wasn't Jonna's "happy greetings". Mr. McBryer introduced her to the class, and she sat beside me. I actually already start to like her. She seems to be just like me, but then the unpredictable happened. Jonna walked around our desk with her mischievous side-kick, Katrina, and begins to start a bowlful of drama.

"Well, well, look what we got here. Fresh meat. I can already tell that you got a sore loser of a friend. I don't know what Demarcus thought when he decided to propose to you over me, Tasha. Your little pretend Barbie obviously is trained, so I'll get to the chase. You-" that's all Jonna was able to say until Sabrina got up and punched her in the face. "My name is Sabrina, and I'm nobody's Barbie. I am trained to do a lot of things, but one is to not take crap from people like you. Second, you should be careful about what you say and who you say it too. Third, don't ever come in my face like that, and we won't have to have this discussion again!"

Everyone was in the classrooms looking startled. Jonna didn't move at all. She just.... looked at her. No emotion. No expression. She just looked, and Katrina? She got so shaken up at Sabrina that every time she lifted her hand she flinched back. I didn't want to start anymore commotion as it was, so I tried to reach for her hand to help her up. When I tried, she just refused and jerked back and let Katrina help her. "This isn't over, Tasha. I'll be back," Jonna sobbed, "I always have my way." Why is she making threats at me? I didn't do anything to her, and it's not like she deserved it.

The school bell rings, and I run towards my car. I can't wait to see Demarcus and just relax for the rest of the day. I don't know where Sabrina went, but I guess she found a way home. She seems so much like me. She has the same hair color, same nose, same eyes...could she possibly just be- I keep thinking to myself, but I realize it's impossible and drive off. I text Demarcus to ask him what he wants for dinner, and I jerk the brakes quickly. I feel my heart my heart drop in the pit of my stomach. Can this possibly be?

I hop out of my car and runs towards the car that has been nearly crushed into this tree by a semi-truck. The color and brand of the car was familiar.... Jonna and Katrina. If I were to have a mirror and looked at myself, I might have looked scared and paler than my initial color. I hear Katrina crying for help, and I run around towards her. I look for Jonna in the car, but I find her body laying lifeless in the tree. "Please don't hurt me," Katrina whispered. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I was only just playing with you. I don't want to die, Tasha. Who's going to watch Joey if I do?" I look at her, and see her son's face. He wasn't even two years or walking. I had to help her. No mother should have to feel this pain, I know I wouldn't.

Sabrina's laughter and angered voice is heard from somewhere in the woods, and I can sense she's near. She soon arrives, and laughs at what she has done. "Don't help her, Tasha. She is just using you. She'll tell everything she knows." I hear Katrina crying and sobbing, "I won't tell a soul. I promise I won't. Just please don't hurt me. My son and my husband are more important than any of this. I'll even leave town, just please don't." I look at Katrina and see the car is spilling with gasoline, and Sabrina with a pack of matches in her hand. I rush and try to convince Sabrina that it isn't worth it and that people can be mean, but I was too late for anything to be said or done.

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