Who's She? [Sebastian Stan]

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I walk onto set, still a bit groggy from waking up. I instantly make my way towards Evans, Mackie, and Downey at the coffee stand.

"There he is!" Anthony remarked.

"You're finally here man," Chris said as he gave me a strong pat on the back.

I just groaned.

"Woah, looks like someone ain't in a good mood," Robert teased.

"Just shut up," I said as I made my coffee.

"Okay then man," Anthony laughed.

As soon as I finished making my coffee, I went to stand beside the three men. After taking my first sip, I instantly felt more awake and energetic.

"There she is!" Chris shouted.

I looked at him curiously before looking to where he was gesturing towards. As I turned my head, I couldn't turn it back. I had just seen the most beautiful woman ever. Okay, now I was fully awake and nervous.

"Chris!" The mystery woman shouted as she made her way toward us.

Every step she took scared the crap out of me.

"How are you guys?" She asked with her velvet voice.

"We're all doin' great beautiful," Anthony said and she giggled.

"This is Sebastian by the way," Chris said as I elbowed him in the stomach, he just let our a hearty laugh and turned away.

"Oh hello! I'm Y/N, I've heard so much about you," she said with excitement.

I  just smiled and shook her hand. I am pathetic.

"Okay guys, I'm off to find the girls, I'll see you later," She said as she started to walk away.

"Oh and it was nice to meet you Sebastian!" She added with a wink right after.

I blushed and responded with a sheepish smile.

"Who was she," I perked up.

"My best friend from highschool, she's taking the open make up job since Jenna quit," Chris explained calmly.

"Woah, I feel like Seb over here likes our little girl," Anthony said.

"No I don't," I grumbled.

"Okay, he definitely does," Robert interjected.

I groaned and mumbled a 'fine'.

"Yes! 20 dollars for me Chris," Anthony said.

Chris handed him the bill and sighed.

"Go make your move man," Chris said.

"What, no," I almost shouted.

"Okay then fine, I'll do it for you," Robert said.

"Wait what?" I said confused.

Before I could react, Robert screamed towards Y/N.

"HEY Y/N!" He shouted as I tried to get him to shut up, with Mackie and Evans snickering in the back ground.

But it was too late, she turned around and I pretended that I was not involved in this shit (Even if I truly wasn't!). I was preparing for whatever was gonna happen and how I was gonna beat up Robert after this.

"Yeah?" She said as she walked toward us.

F U C K.

"Our friend here seems to have a liking in you," Robert said while wiggling his eye brows, and I discretely hit him in the stomach eliciting a groan from him.

She giggled and it sent my heart soaring. I'm fucked, I barely even know her but I've already fallen head over heels for her.

"Well, which friend is it," she asked.

"This guy right here," Chris finally said.

I laughed nervously as I scratched the back of my neck.

"Well," she started, with her eyes locked onto mine.

"Tell that friend of yours that I find him pretty cute myself," She said.

I started to blush.

She giggled again and walked off.

"We did it boys!" Anthony shouted.

Everyone burst out laughing as they teased me, and all I could do was blush, glare at them, and secretly thank them for what they did.

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