Chapter 18

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A/N: Dear Readers, Some of you already know that this is my first time writing a story, which is why I decided to change things up a little with this chapter. I wrote it in a different style and tense and would love to get your feedback. Was it easy to read or was it confusing? Did you like it? Sorry for the wait...enjoy!

Chapter 18

Not edited.

All rights reserved, © 2012

Alpha Bill POV

 It was Diego Ramirez, my Beta, who made the discovery that gave us the break we needed.  Afterward, there would surely be a debate about how we missed this crucial information.  Some would say that it was because there was never a reason to doubt our own, while others would say that we were lax because we lived in times of peace, and some would even go as far as to say that it was because I was an incapable and unworthy Alpha.  But the future didn’t concern me now. I would worry about it once Estela was safely back home. 

Forcing all thoughts of the future out of my head, I switch off the lights and exit my office.  I climb the stairs quietly and use the wooden banister for support so as not to wake those who are already asleep. I pass Declan’s room and notice light seep out into the dark hallway from the gap under his door. Knocking lightly, I turn the knob when he bids me to enter. I smile when I see that he is lying on his bed bouncing a ball to the ceiling. 

“Gently, son.” I remind him as I glance at the cracked and dented ceiling.  Tremendous strength is one of the many perks of being a werewolf, which makes it impossible for us to do normal things without causing some damage. 

Declan laughs as he throws the ball to me. “Night, Dad.”

“Goodnight, Dec.” I reply, tossing the ball back to him.  Shutting the door behind me, I walk to my own room and get ready for bed. 

Switching off the bedside lamp, I slide under the covers and make myself comfortable. I twist and turn several times before lying on my back with my hands above my head.  I close my eyes and wait for sleep to take descend over me like a heavy fog, but nothing happens. Sleep eludes me despite being exhausted. I open my eyes and stare at the ceiling while my mind replays the events of the day.

I had been sitting in the hospital with Scott and Gia. Slumped in a chair beside Scott’s hospital bed, I listened to the steady beeping of the heart monitor that was attached to his chest. The monotonous sound had caused my eyelids to feel heavy, almost lulling me to sleep.

“Go home, Bill. Get some rest…” Gia said softly.

I wiped my face with my hands and got up to stretch. She was right. I could use some rest. Scott was recovering well from his anxiety attack and would be asleep for a while, thanks to the strong tranquilizers the doctors had administered.

“You’ll be okay by yourself?” I asked.

“Yes. Besides, the pack doctor said I should lay with Scott. It will help him heal faster.” Gia replied.

I nodded and walked to the door when a booming voice in my head caused me to stop in my tracks.

‘Alpha! We’ve got a problem. You’re not going to like this.’  The voice belonged to Diego Ramirez, my second in command.

‘We already have a problem, Diego.’ I sighed. ‘What’s going on?’

‘I’m over at the Anderson’s house. I wanted to question them as to why we can’t track Abby’s scent. But when I got here, no one was at home and their car wasn't in the driveway. I waited for an hour for them to return before breaking in…I know what you are going to say but, I had a bad feeling… and…get this, it was completely empty. Bare walls, no furniture, nothing.'

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