It's been .. 3 no, 5 years years ever since i saw Eren Jaeger. We have been searching for him for a long while now... apparently, we havent found him , yet . Meanwhile , Commander Erwin has just died.. Well its been quite long ever since then, i dont know, i have lost the sense of time and the count of days
Armin is in charge now even though everything is in a mess . F******* Reiner. Ever since that days nothing is the same . Everything has changed. I have changed . We all have changed .We dont trust anyone anymore.
Besides that i miss him...Gods.. i miss him...Eren..
Every day.. every night ...its so different ..its scary... its driving me crazy! Only the thought of him being out there alone ! trapped ! tortured !...
What if they find him...dead?!
Nonono.. no this wont happen i need to be positive...but how can i be positive in this mess?
i miss him.. i miss his hugs .. his kisses ... the times he got agreesive saying that he loved me the most...his body on mine..the warm nights we spent together...writing down our dreams with ink..
I would sell my soul to have him back..back and safe in my arms..
When the..
Clouds will rage on..
Storms will race in..
But you will be safe.. In my amrs..
To be continued
Jean Kirschtein's Diary
FanfictionSo this is just a very random and kinda cringy idea of mine... I'd like to mention that the theory of this one is 52% related to the manga and the anime I hope you enjoy it !