Chapter 3 - Hero's are chosen

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For Sam, the school day took forever. In many of his classes, he got distracted, he was too busy thinking of Katie. It toke a while before he realised that Katie was in all of his classes.

After school, Sam was walking home when he saw an old man crossing the road, with an oncoming car! He ran as fast as he could and pushed the old man out of the way, but now he was is the way of the car! Using his experience in athletics, he jumped and run over the car,  but the driver didn't notice. "Are you ok?" Sam asked as he got off the road.
"Thank you for saving my life, you have, a lot of, umm skill." Said the old man, confused on how his rescuer jumped over a moving car.
"Oh, it's nothing." He said with a small burst in confidence. "Stay safe."
"Wait, let me give you this gift!" The old man gave him a smaller version of the box.
"Thank you?" He said with small confusion in his voice. He started walking home, waving goodbye to the old man.
"No, thank you." The old man whispered under his breath, looking at his floating spirit, then walking away.

Katie was on her way home when she saw an old man, fallen on the ground, trying to reach for his glasses. Katie went over to help him. "Are you ok?" Katie said while helping him up.
"Now I am, thank you." He said while bowing, "Here, let me give you a gift." He said, holding out another small box.
"Thank you, have a nice day!" she said while walking away.
"You too." He returned with a grin. 

Sam opened the door to find a dark and empty house, which was the normal. As his slow steps pounded on the stairs, he looked down at the small box the old man had given him. It's was small with a red pattern on it. When he reached his room, he sat the box on his desk, and put his bag down. As he opened the box, a bright orb rose up from inside, and once the blinding light faded, a spirit took the orbs place. "Hello, I am Gazza, I'm here because you were chosen to become a superhero." He said in a confident voice.
"O.. M.. G, this is so cool!" Sam replied with many ideas in his head. "How do I get these powers?"
"Wear the watch, and say !" Gazza replied.
"And what is my power, do I get any weapons?!" Sam said with too much excitement.
"You get the power to control time, by saying Time Warp, you slow down time for everyone but yourself but it only lasts a minute, so use it wisely and yes, you do get weapons." Gazza explained.
"Ok, Gazza, It's time!" and with a flash of green and purple light, he transformed.

"Arrhhhh, what.. Are you?" Screamed Katie, "Get away!"
"Calm down, I'll explain everything.. If you stop poking me!" she said as she sighed with annoyance. The spirit explained everything, "I am Luna and I am a Gemling, a creature of the gems."
"So I have the power to destroy anything?" Katie asked.
Yes, you have to say, Speed up, and it actually accelerates the aging of an object, destroying it. But use it carefully, you only..." but she was interrupted.
"Luna, LETS ACCELERATE!" She yelled.

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