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"Baby, do you see where I put my phone?" A voice piped up from behind and Jihoon could practically imagine the messiness that his boyfriend created outside while searching for his phone. "I swear I had it with me a while ago―I was taking something in the refrigerator and then it just disappeared like that,"

Jihoon shook his head and smiled fondly because the older was so close to whining. He then randomly wondered what would it will be if he was not Seongwoo's boyfriend and the older lived alone in a dorm. Surely, he might lost his belongings every passed second (Jihoon was not exaggerating thing, it just that the older was just too careless for a 22 years old adult).

"Wait," he finished putting on his favorite peach sweater and checked himself out on the mirror before went out to the living room, where his boyfriend currently busy flipping everything up and down in order to find the square object.

His eyes widened at the state of the room as he recalled clearly that he just cleaned them earlier before waking Seongwoo up. He sighed and could not help but to grumble, "Seongwoo hyung!"

Seongwoo smiled sheepishly when he saw red on his lover eyes. "I'll help you clean it later," Jihoon snorted in disbelief because both of them knew exactly who was going to clean the mess later. "But for now, please help me find my phone, alright? I'm almost late to my morning class, Jihoonie."

The look on the older face made Jihoon's heart softened a little, but still, he did not know to be rather amazed or annoyed (or even both, the voice inside Jihoon's head propped urgently) at the older that he was capable of ruining something in such a short time.

"Fine, let me call your phone, then," the younger took his phone out from his jeans pocket and pressed Seongwoo's name in his contact. Soon, the familiar ringtone sounded right inside Seongwoo's bag and Jihoon ended the call with a knowing look sent toward the older.

Seongwoo scratched his neck with a blank face, the tip of his ears tinged with soft shade of pink. He blinked twice before he went to pick up the bag that was left on the couch when he searched for his phone a while ago. The older then walked toward the front door hurriedly but suddenly halted his steps and turned around to face the younger.

Jihoon's brow rose in confusion and asked, "Why? Do you forget something else?"

"Yeah, I nearly forget this," he pulled Jihoon closer and kissed him sweetly. A cheeky grin plastered on his lips as he broke the kiss but both of his hands staying on Jihoon's waist. "I'll get going now. Remember to lock the door later when you go out, okay?"

Jihoon giggled and there was nothing but pure endearment as he stared at his boyfriend amusedly. "Are you kidding me? You were the one who forgot to lock the door last time, hyung."

"Huh? Did I?" Seongwoo frowned and Jihoon hit his chest playfully, eyes narrowed into slits to scare the older but Seongwoo thought his boyfriend looked so cute liked that. "Yeah, you did. Now you better go or you'll going to be really, really late for your class."

The older eyes went comically wider at the mention of the class and Jihoon smirked coyly.

"Shoot, you're right. Bye, I'll see you later, baby."

The younger saw Seongwoo hurriedly ran to the front door, his loud footsteps echoed outside as he made his way to the lift in hurry. Jihoon was sure his neighbor going to protest again (made it the third times in this month alone, not counting the months before).

He shook his head with ridiculous grin. "He is really unbelievable."

Jihoon was in the middle of doing his weekly homework when Seongwoo came back home. He smiled at the thought of greeting his boyfriend but paused when he realized that his boyfriend was not alone. In fact, Daniel and Minhyun were there, and the two of them had their arms around Seongwoo's shoulders. His expression did not look that bad, considering he had the audacity to shoot Jihoon a wink, but the bandage around his left leg spoke otherwise.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2017 ⏰

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