Chapter 1: Dreams

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"Hey wait up. You are moving too fast." My words were in gone in vain when the said person didn't slow his pace. He was moving towards the dark seemingly never ending alley. And i was following him for some unknown reason like a magnet drawn to metal.

"Stop" i shouted. He abrubtly haulted. I was surprised he listened. But not for long. He started walking again away from me. And i was left chasing him like dogs after cats. The steady steps he took lead to the darker side of tunnel. Usually i had a phobia for tunnels or alleys cause they felt suffocating but now i wasn't feeling any fear rather anger and curiosity were coursing through my veins.

"I said stop." Once again i screamed my lungs out. "Plz i can't anymore. Please". My voice broke. I don't know why i started to cry all of a sudden. I don't know what came over me that i begged someone i haven't even seen the face of. I don't even know what i am begging for. This sullen feeling inside me has brust and i can't control myself.

I broke down.

The loud clear footsteps were gone. Pin drop silence had shadowed over my senses. The silent was frightening. More than the noise. I tried to search for the person. But the tears burning my eyes like acid weren't helping the case. I rubbed my eyes harshly. To no avail. The more i tried to open my eyes the more pain i had to endure.

The bone chilling cold wind blew right past my body making goosebumps appear all over my skin. This soothed my eyes. I could see again. I opened my eyes and suddenly jumped from how close the person was standing from me. He was a meter away from me. Standing tall and still. Few feet away from me. Just like a statue.I was facing his back.

"Who are you?"i asked. My voice strong and demanding hiding any sign of vulnerablity. I wanted to know who this man is and why am i so keen on following him. Is he someone i know? Have we met before? By his appearance i think i know him. I just don't recognize him. My mind can't point out exactly who he is. Its like that part of memory has been wiped out from my brain.

The man mumbled something. I couldn't figure out what he said. The mumbling turned into echos. Each time louder and louder.The words were so jumbled up nothing surpassed my understanding.

"Hate" "Selfish" "Immature" "Die"

These were the few words i could make out.

"Stop." Closing my ears i tried to tune out the voices. The echos. My own voice was muffled. I couln't hear myself. That triggered my fear. Anxiety boiled inside my stomach.

Stop please stop. I begged for my life.

All the voices stopped. An evil laugh taunted the remaning of my hope. The man's shoulder shook from the laugh.
" who the fuck are you?" Frustation taking over my voice.

" You wouldn't know" the lowlife infront of me growled. That deep dark voice could make anyone pee their pants. It was ghostly. I didn't cower though. Instead i stood my ground more than egar to know who this person was.

I was on the verge of stomping forward and fighting him but he vainshed. Right in front of my eyes like some magic show. I was terrified. What just happened? Where did he go?

Suddenly i felt a icy cold hand on my shouler. A cold chill ran down my spine. Slowly i tried to turn to look back at the person and....

Ring Ring Ring

My hands blindly reached for the source of disturbance to shut it. Its 6am already. Slowly i stirr from my bed with eyes still closed. i seriously dunn want to leave my bed now. Or even open my eyes But its time and i got work to do.

I rubbed my eyes blinking few times adjusting to the light . Then i remembered my dream. It wasn't even weird anymore. I had dreamt that same person that same scene so many times that it fails to shock me now. It has no effect. Since it was just a dream anyway. Cause Reality check is i need to get ready fast otherwise am gonna be late for my first day at work.

First. Day. At. Work

Then it hit me. Today is the day. The day i could make it or break it. The first day where i had to make a effictive image of mine on everyone. First impression is the last one. Ehh something like

Getting ready doesn't take time. I have to get to the office beforehand so i could adjust my mindset to work according to that place. Otherwise i would be lost and it isn't a good thing for a manager to say now. Is it?

Excitement was bubbling in my stomach from the moment i got the that letter from bighit. I was studying entertainment management in Australia and was looking for an intership when my freind had recommended this new found company in korea. I was nervous at first because job at overseas is rather frightening. I had never left Australia since my middle it was conflicting whether to apply or not.

Since i had to try somewhere so i had applied and got accepted pretty easily. It was a 2 months contract. Intership as manager is hard to get because no one wants a newbie lacking any experience to control their clients and decisions. I was shocked and thankful for bighit to give me this chance though i had to learn korean which was fun and hard. Key word hard.

I had to do research on the company,its clients and the work status since korea is very much different from Australia. Apparently bighit is working on a boyband called Bangtang boys or so. They are quite popular on national level. I had checked some of their music. It was good stuff so i guess international recognition is on its wait for them.

Wait. Why am i still on bed?

You stupid bimbo get ready now. My subconscious likes to cuss sometimes. Most of the times. Okay all the time. But thats not the point. I am gonna be late if i dunn hurry my ass now.

Stumbling from my bed i run towards the bathroom. And me being the clumsy me i manage to trip on the carpet and fall head first on the floor. Ouch. Did i faint? I move my hands to see if i am conscious. I am rather.

Rubbing my painful forehead i can only pray it doesn't swell because if that happens. I. Will. Be. Screwed. First day with swollen forehead. Do i wanna look like an alien?.NO.I get up look in the mirror without tripping again. My honey tan skin is doing a perfect job of burrying any evidence of my clumsiness.Thank god it doesn't look that bad.

After i was done getting ready i locked my appartment doors and went to the parking lot where i climbed into my suv. I was wearing a silk skirt and crisp white shirt jacketed by a blue blazer with matching coloured heels. My mermaid black hair all tied in messy bun along with a little bit maschara on the lashes.and done. I needed to focus on my look if i want my first impression solid.right? And Since the drive to my new office was only half hour and i had pretty much time on handy so I decided to search for subway or some place to eat. Do they have subway here? I didn't have anything in the morning so my stomach is crunching. I gotta find a place to eat first.

Heya yall..:)
Plz feel free to point out any mistakes. I want to improve so i am here. Thanks.

So bighit huh? Yall know whats coming. So be prepared. I am kinda excited here.

What do you think will roll on next?

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