My birthday

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It was my birthday and lunar (my bestie) and I were going to the mall to celebrate my 16th birthday. She was 21 but we have been besties for a long time and everyone judges us because we hangout together but we don't care we just flip them off and move on.

Lunar: Amelia come on hurry up you're taking forever.
Mia: lunar I thought I told you not to use my full name.
(Lunar was the only on besides my boyfriend and family who knew my full name. My boyfriend and lunar are the most important people in my life their always there for me they always have my back)
Lunar: oh right sorry Mia. So how's Garrett?
Mia: seriously lunar. He's good tho I wish he texted me more and paid attention to me as much as he used to but I still love him and he still loves me so.
Lunar: Mia, you know what you should do if he's not paying attention to you?
Mia: lunar don't even start. You know I'm still a virgin.
Lunar: let's just go shopping it's your birthday.

Garrett and I have been dating for 3 years. We started dating when I was 14 and he was 17. When we first started dating he paid a lot of attention to me now he doesn't pay that much attention to me but we live in different cities. So it's hard for us and he's in college and I'm in high school.

Mia: hey babe. What are you doing?
Garrett: hey baby. Nothing. U?
Mia: nothing just shopping with lunar. She said that since you don't pay as much attention to me as you use too I should give it too you but I'm not so sure.
Garrett: baby don't listen to her and I'm sorry I don't pay as much attention too you as I want. I'm really busy with everything. I love you baby.
Mia: I love you too babe. I gtg I'll talk to you later
Garrett: ok bye babe.

Lunar and I were shopping and then we saw adym lunar boyfriend. Lunar has been dating him for as long as I can remember. I'm still waiting for him to purpose. Lunar ran over to adym and jumped in his arms he grabbed her and held her tightly. I've always loved how they treated each other. Sometimes I was jealous of how they acted with each other.

Lunar: adym omg I missed you so much.
Adym: babe we live together. I saw you this morning before you left.
Lunar: babe that was 4 hours ago and I haven't even texted you in 4 hours.
Adym: oh I'm sorry baby.
Lunar: it's ok babe I still love you but I gtg Mia and I are shopping.
Adym: ok bye baby love you too.
Mia: get your ass over here lunar and bye adym it was good to see you again.
Adym: bye Mia it was good to see you again too have fun shopping.
Lunar: ok Mia I'm coming. See you later babe
Adym: yup bye babe

Lunar walks back over to Mia and they continue shopping. Mia found a really cute outfit. It was pretty much her signature outfit. A pair of short shorts, black converse, and a tank top. She found a pair of timberlands and bought them and some jeans and a couple of cute shirts and a dress that Garrett would love.
Lunar always knew what Mia would like so she went online and bought 4 tickets to Paris and booked 2 rooms in the nicest hotel in Paris. One for Mia and Garrett and the other for adym and lunar.

Lunar: hey Garrett and adym it's lunar I bought 4 tickets to Paris for Mia's birthday and booked 2 rooms in the nicest hotel.
Garrett: wow lunar that is really nice of you.
Adym: damn babe I can't believe you did that. It's so sweet
Lunar: Ik im amazing. Anyways no one tell Mia it's a surprise. Mia has always been there for us when we need her so she deserves something as amazing as her.
Garrett: right.
Adym: yeah good job babe. Anyways I gtg I have to videotape a YouTube video.
Lunar: ok bye babe. Bye Garrett. Oh and Garrett you should pay more attention to Mia she feels unloved and she doesn't feel special anymore. Ik you still love her but she needs to feel loved and special.
Garrett: it's hard to make her feel special and loved when we live 3 hours away without traffic.
Lunar: Garrett you need to make the time to drive the 3 hours and see her Bring her flowers something just make her feel special and loved and pay more attention to her she is the most important thing in your life she needs to know that.
Garrett: ok lunar thanks for the advice. It's really sweet of you to help me out.
Lunar: ofc I'm always here to help. If you need any ideas on how to make her feel special and loved just ask.
Garrett: ok thanks. Well I'll let you go now. Bye
Lunar: ok bye Garrett

Lunar went back to Mia and she was looking at clothes but not her usual style. Mia wanted to get Garrett's attention but she didn't know how so she did what other girls would do she bought lingerie. Mia has never bought lingerie before she not that kind of girl. But when she is determined to get something she will get it.

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