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Emma's POV :

"be safe Richie, last time you fell of your bike and hurt your knee really badly remember?" I told my brother who was about to go on his bike to meet his friends. Since our parents never cared, I would look after Richie.

"yeah, Yeah, I get it Em'." he told me as he got on his bike and rode away, I got into my car and started driving to school; in other words, hell.

It took me around 5 minutes to get to school by car, after I got there, I quickly got out and held onto the strap of my bag that was on my shoulder.

I took a deep breath and prepared for whatever was going to happen, in our school, danger was everywhere. And I'm not over exaggerating it. There's the 'bowers gang who were in my class, but yet Henry didn't seem to notice me since he never picked on me yet. My brother, yes, but not me. Then there's my ex, Thomas Saunders. He's such a dick, he doesn't give two shits about me when we were dating and suddenly now he does. Then there are these group of girls who pick on anyone who isn't as rich as them or whatnot.

I walked into the school and as if on cue, the bell rang. I went to class and sat in the back next to my best, and only, friend Bethany.

The teacher hadn't come yet and I assumed she was late, some took it as an opportunity to talk, while others decided to torment others.

"I told you yesterday to get me my money!" Henry Bowers growled to the skinny boy in the corner if the classroom.

"poor kid." I said underneath my breath, no one dared to stand up to Henry since then you would be the next target.

"i-i don't have any money, my f-father-"

"was I asking about you dad?!" he yelled again, the boys dad was poor and barely managed to provide for him.

I couldn't bare to see this, I don't understand why Henry picks on kids, it was so sad.

"Just leave him alone " I said without thinking, all eyes were on me and I forgot who Henry was for a second. His head snapped towards me and I regretted my decision.

"did I ask you?" he snapped and turned back to his victim. "he doesn't have your fucking money, can't you get that through that thick skull of yours, or do I need to spell it out for you." I snapped back.

"what did you just say to me?" he hissed and slowly walked towards me. He clearly wasn't used to being insulted since his eyes held some shock in them, as well as something else I couldn't quite grasp.

"I said-"

"Everyone take your seats! I'm sorry I late!" our teacher came rushing through the door. Bethany stared at me in shock and I smiled sheepishly at her in return.

I felt another pair of eyes trained into me and I already knew it was Henry, sons tried my best to ignore it.


I avoided Bowers all day today successfully and now it was time to go home, I rushed to my car since Richie was riding his bike home.

"hey you!" I heard behind me but,considering that Henry could've meant anyone, I didn't stop.

"Emma !" I hears my name and I knew it was him, I turned around knowing that if I didn't I would probably get beat. I watched as he looked me up and down before coming towards me.

"who do you think you are talking to me like that? " he said lowly and I avoided his gaze.

"it's not my fault you're an asshole." I muttered, but he heard it.

"Listen here Emma, I'm letting you go easy today. So watch your mouth next time. " he said looking into my eyes, that was wierd. I knew he never really let anyone go easily.

I turned away from him quickly and got into my car, driving off without another word.

What an asshole.


Misunderstood∙ Henry Bowers Where stories live. Discover now