Oh Heart!

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Type A: I failed this time too. I always do. I am good at nothing. I have no purpose, or rather no right to live.

Type B: I failed this time. I did last time too. But what does it matter? I'll try again. Try until I win!

Which type are you?

Whenever the shadows of pain loomed over You,

Whenever a tear found its way to the eye,

Whenever this lonely heart cried,

I asked it, Oh Heart,why is that You cry?

But this is what happens in this world.

These deep silences within,

Time has distributed it to everyone

Some pain is a chapter of everyone's story,

Some joy a part everyone's glory

Your eyes are wet without any reason,

Every second is a new season,

Why let go of such priceless moments?

Oh Heart, why is it that You cry?

The rustling of the leaves,

The cry of the birds,

Every whistle of the wind,

Tell You that only You are here,

Your heartbeats ,your breath ,and You

Come now its already dawn,

Fetch the stars before the time's gone

Rise like phoenix from its ashes,

Dont shatter down like pieces of broken glasses

You know You've got to climb

But still yet, Oh Heart,

Why is it that You cry?

Fail. Its almost inevitable. But still keep trying, keep smiling ,push yourself more than your limits and you will reach there. Not today but yes,certainly one day! 

You're brave enough, have faith and keep fighting! Keep smiling!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2017 ⏰

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