A Broken Lion and A Fixed Tiger

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Leo's POV
I turned 24 a few months ago. The party was great. All my friends were there... all but one. The woman I love. She didn't die like the rest of us. The killer took her to a different place to kill her. If I ever find her I'll never let her go and will protect her till I die.

Leo sighs and slaps the side of his head softly and shakes his head.

Okay Leo keep it together. It's almost time to open. Hey Finn can you come here please!?

Finn walked into my room and looked at me with concern.

Finn: "What's the problem Capt'n?"

Leo: "It's almost time to open shop is everything ready and prepared?

Finn: "Aye sir everything is ready and accounted for. Everyone is in their places ready. Horus and Petra are getting use to their new private stage room and are going to be setting it up while the rest of us work. The door will be locked and if they need to come to us they'll have a secret passage behind their stage."

Leo: "Good, good that sets me at ease. We open in two hours. Do we know when the delivery truck will be here for the new recipe?"

Finn: "Aye it'll be here at approximately 5:30 pm."

Leo: "Excellent that means the new Horus burger and Petra milkshakes will be able to be served this evening!"

Venom then come rushing into the door. He seems to be upset and shaking.

No one's point of view

Venom: "Leo ssssir we have a few problemssss! John just ssssaid the truck carrying the ingredientssss for the recipessss was sssstolen during a bank heisssst and then Horussss'ssss and Petra'ssss new sssstage fell apart due to sssspotty craftmansssship sssso Petra broke her leg!"

Leo: "What! We needed that truck! Are the cops after the truck and is Petra going to be able to be repaired!?"

Venom: "Yessss ssssir sssshe will be fine assss Horussss issss going to fix her then they will get back to decorating their room and we called the company and gave them our complaint and will be here later today to fix the room and completely remodel it to make it better all for free."

Leo: "That's all good to hear. Hopefully they won't get in the way of the customers or vise versa. By the way Venom you should get your voice chip fixed it's doing that thing with the s's again and we don't want to scare the kids you know."

Venom: "Yessss ssssir right away ssssir I apologisssse."

Venom leaves and closes the door behind him. Mean while Finn notices that Leo isn't quite right and seems upset. He decides not to question it at the moment. A few hours later the construction company comes and enters Horus's room to do the job.

Later in the afternoon after the store has closed the truck had arrived and the employees start unloading it. Once they are done they pack up and leave. Once they are gone Leo and the rest of the gang leave their areas and stretch all except Horus and Petra who don't leave their room at all. It's obvious that those two are a thing and are probably doing their usual thing. Mean while everyone else is doing their own thing but Leo seems to have disappeared again. Finn has noticed for the past few months he's been doing this. After every day of work he goes straight to his room and locks the door. Finn decides tonight he's going to investigate.

He then sneaks up to Leo's door and rests his ear against the door. He could faintly hear the sound of quite crying. He can also make out some quite talking. Finn opens the quietly door just enough to hear better. What he hears shocks him.

Leo: "Oh Rebecca I wish I could have protected you. I wish I could have at least kept you with us so we were all together. I'm so so sorry..."

He then goes back to crying. After a few hours the crying stops and the sound of snoring takes its place. Finn then closes the door and begins to leave then gets an idea. He runs over to the phone and starts to dial. After a few rings someone picks up.

???: "Hello? This is John how can I help you this late at night?"

Finn: "Hey John it's Finn. I have a few questions you think I can bother you?"

John: "go ahead and ask and I'll answer the best to my ability."

A few hours later Finn got all of his questions answered and talked with him for a little while longer than hung up and gone to bed.

Meanwhile in Horus's room Horus and Petra slept together but Horus isn't asleep. He too could tell something was wrong with Leo and after setting him up with her he wanted to repay him for that cause ever since he met her he has never been happier. If it wasn't for Leo then he never would have been able to get with her.

A few months later Leo's strange behavior have gotten worse and way more obvious. He's been getting distance with others. The only one who knew why was Finn and John. Leo had locked himself away after work again. Horus came and knocked on his door but no answer. He tried again and again no answer. He then kicked down Leo's door and he wasn't there. He was gone. Horus went to inform the others but as soon as turned around he was instantly knocked out. What stood behind the falling Horus was Leo completely black except for his eyes and claws which were crimson red and his name flew of fiery red flames. He wore a wide evil grin as he watch Horus fall hopelessly on the ground.

Meanwhile a Lionheart delivery truck had just arrived and was dripping off a huge package. When it was dropped off Finn ran over to it and opened it. What was inside was a female lion who had a snow white body, long cyan hair, her eyes were a LED which made her cyan eyes stand out visibly, her body had a snow flake pattern where the snowflakes her also cyan.

Finn: "Greeting lass my name is Finn what's your name?"

???: "Oh hello Finn my name is Aurora it's a pleasure to meet you."

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