Most of the things I do are to fit in, is it a crime to want to be normal? I love books! But normal girls text, not read. I want to be outside getting dirty in the woods. But you guessed it. GIRLS DON'T GO MUDDIN'. I didn't have many serious boyfriends growing up because I I have trust issues, the first time I had sex was terrifying. (I was 13 and so naive so if you can here to judge you can back the fuck out) It was very uncomfortable and not very romantic at all. When I was little I would sneak to the fields behind my house and call my "boyfriends" We all have those so "serious" relationships in kindergarten. 😂😂😂
Venting in the Shower 🏃💨🚿🛁😌
Aléatoiremy personal feeling that are about to become not so personal *sigh*