Chapter 1

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Sarah's POV

"Hurry up sarah, were going to magcon, Lets get this done and over with." Thats my best friend, Jazmine but i call her Jaz, and she isnt excited for this trip. AT ALL.

"Omg yay yay yay-" I say while jumping up and down.

"Shut up." Yeah, Jaz isnt the nicest of people.

"Finee, lets just go to magcon already!" I exclaim

I get my suitcase and throw it in her trunk, then i jump in the passangers seat and she starts driving to the airport.

When we arrive to the airport of NY It is VERY crowded. We take a bite at Papa John's pizza place.

I look at time and it's almost 10 am, we were 5 minutes away from missing our flight.

I tell Jaz, "Omg we need to get onto our flight!! Im not going to freaking waste the chance of meeting magcon and my 600$ dollars thrown away!"

"Okay just calm down, geez." Jazmine said while rolling her eyes.

We run to the gateway to our flight. We looked crazy, running past all these buisness people. ANYWAYS.

We got on the flight, first class! WOO-HOO!!

We arrive at the hotel, It looked really fancy and i was just out of place.

Were on the secound to top floor. (89)

It was pretty high though. But its fine, i'm going to meet magcon.

I look on magcon's twitter and I saw, "Cant wait to meet the girls of our dreams!! :))"

I wonder what that meant. But magcon is this weekend, and i dont really care.

It was already 7 pm. And i just realized i was hungry. So, we went out to this casual all you can eat diner.

Their food looked okay but tasted AMAZINGG.

We went back to the hotel because it was 8:30 when we left.

I found out they have this awesome pool in the back and Jaz didnt want to go. It was 9:00 but who cares right?

So what did i do? I went there. It was pretty quiet but it was still fine for me. I chillaxed in the warmish/cold water. It was very refreshing actually.

I got out after it was 10:00 because i was starting to doze off.

I was going inside when i saw ALOT of girls. They were screaming. Maybe Justin Bieber was here, IM JUST KIDDING. I went into the elevator and went into my gigantic suite, took a shower and went to sleep.


I wake up to water spilling all over my face.

"WHAT THE!?!?" I scream obnoxiously loud.

"That is for booking us the hotel Magcon is staying in." Jaz says, thinking it's the most obvious thing.

"WHAT!?" I scream while semi-hypervenilating. "OH MY GOD, THIS IS AMAZING!"

"No it's not. This is horrible, I just wanted to relax." Jaz says while rolling her eyes.

"Well whatever, It's not like were going to see them anyways." I said.

"YOU JUST JINXED IT!" Jaz said screaming and finger combing her hair furiously.

"I know, that's the point." I said with a smug smirk.

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