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"and that's how he licked it clean." He finished breathless with a proud smile. He could see Jin fuming with rage. Taehyung bit his lower lip, struggling not to laugh. He side glanced at the handsome man beside him. He noticed how annoyed his hyung was as he let his legs swing, hanging from his bed. Taehyung sighed ever so slightly and moved his head in a disapproving manner. "Namjoon hyung needs to control his urges. He's setting up a wrong example for us."

Now one would argue that Kim Namjoon and licking which resulted in Jin getting annoyed might have been a questionable event.

But as soon as Taehyung uttered those words, Jin snapped "aish! This man. That peach cake was meant for maknae. Ahhh. He really drives me insane."

Taehyung held his laughter as he went fangirl mode when he found his ship sailing. He really liked that bromance that his two hyungs shared. He slowly lay on his bed humming one his songs that was soon to be released on Jimin's birthday. "Hyung...." Taehyung stated. "Hmm?" Jin asked, still a little preoccupied by the leader's behaviour.

Taehyung now tilted his head to completely face the oldest. "Hyung maybe this time....." He gulped and Jin furrowed his eyebrows.

"Maybe this time, it's his birthday and the album sounds really cool too. Maybe finally this time, Jimin will find his jams"

There was a loud noise. That familiar noise that made Tae proud Every time he heard it. No, it was not a moaning sound. A little too identical to the windshield wiper being mercilessly rubbed on glass. Taehyung loved every thing about it. He smiled proudly as he watched his beloved hyung legit die of laughter while slapping himself like seal who was not trained.

"Oh really now?" Came a sweet voice trying so hard to be aggressive that it sounded extra cute. "Try me, Tae-ssi. None shall pass the almighty Jimin" he said with his jaw clenched in a mockingly funny face. "Yeah right" was how Taehyung acknowledged the presence of this smol figure. Jimin smirked and dived at him.

Taehyung was taken by surprise as he yelled for Jimin to get off. They started quarelling like 5 year olds while Jin was clicking his tongue like a disappointed mother. And somewhere around the time they fell to the ground wrestling, Tae said it. He said what made jimin roar and hit him hard in the face with a huge pillow. Tae imitated the leader, saying "Jimin, you got no jams" The hit wasn't hard, but for Jimin he pretended like it was. He started gasping and making sounds like he was seriously injured and Jimin lifted himself up and and declared "I'm BTS bitch! I got all the jams in this whole entire world" and walked away like a boss. That was when Taehyung grinned to himself  "He still can't cuss"

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