Rubiks cube competetition

18 1 0

I dare you to a Rubik's cube competition!
Pastel: whyyyyyyyy
Morning: wow
Pastel: I'm not a cuber!
Morning: you have to do it
Pastel: fine! You call him
Morning: uh I don't have my phone
Pastel: what?!? Where did you put it the last time?
Morning: idk... crap
Pastel: swear jar
Morning: cmon!
Pastel: anyways you were saying?
Morning: I left it at Japan
Pastel: seriously?!?
Morning: lol jk it's right over here
Pastel: I hate you
Morning: lol you should!
Pastel: just call him already
Morning: fine..fine... no need to rush miss  wonderland
Pastel: ju-wait what did you say?!?!?
Morning: Miss Wonderland you deaf head XD
Pastel: grr!
Morning: continues to laugh
Pastel: just call him already !
Morning: ok calls Xiopox
Xiopox: hello? Oh you got my dare? Ok I'm coming!
Morning: he should be here
Xiopox: rings door bell
Pastel: opens door oh hi motherf*cker
Morning: swear jar
Pastel: fine places $1 inside the swear jar
Morning: also places $1 to the swear jar
Morning : ready?
Pastel: nope
Morning: go!
Morning: oh and also under a minute
Xiopox: easy peasy
Morning: okay now you guys can start... now!
Xiopox: solving the Rubik's cube with ease
Pastel: panicking
Morning: checks timer time is almost up, hurry up past! Xiopox is winning!
Pastel: I'm trying as hard as I can!
Xiopox: there is no way Pastel can beat me!
Morning: times up!
Pastel: crying like a baby
Xiopox: I'm done
Morning: checks their Rubik's cube
Morning: Xiopox you win and Pastel you lose
Pastel: nooooooooo whyyyyyyyy I'm bad at this
Xiopox: woohoo do I get a prize?
Morning: yeah you get this gives the trophy to Xiopox
Xiopox: oh yeah woohoo
Pastel: how about me?
Morning: you get nothing
Pastel: whew lucky not a punishment
Morning: or if you want a punishment
Pastel: n-no
Morning: lol fine XD
Pastel: anyways that's all for today's dare and f*ck you Xiopox and I guess I have to pay another one dollar to the swear jar but yeah, feel free to give us crazy and hilarious dares or curious or even good questions but I'll see you all in the next dare or question
Morning and Pastel: BYE!!!

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