who is she part 2

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Recap of the previous chapter

I'm on a quest she said while standing up, -A quest, what kind of quest- the cap'n asked as I nodded

-I'm looking for the eight deadly sins-she stated as she looked down at the floor, wait, WHAT!!

End of the recap :)

No one's P.O.V

There was a loud noise outside the tavern and before I could even do something there was a very loud knock on the door, -Open up, we hav some reports from some villagers, we are the order of the Beard of the Mountain Cat that serves under the holy knights and are stationed at the mountain's base and were here to arrest the Rust Knight, potentially one of the eight deadly sins so please come out peacefully- a guy from outside stated.

-Hey cap'n, looks like that we have some visitors, what do you want to do about it- I asked him as I glued my eyes of the door.

-Yeah, your right Miria, again with the unruly customers...- -the Holy knights...- the girl said while the bangs on the door became even more louder.

Meanwhile outside the group of soldiers was discussing on what to do: -Doesn't look like they're coming out- -Hey, just out of curiosity, when did someone open a tavern here, on the top of a hill?- -Now that you mention it, I don't remember it when I passed here 3 days ago- another one responded.

-Stay on guard, we are going to face a Holy Knight that was able to kill many of his comrades and that answered to the king himself 10 years ago- the one that knocked answered.

-Don't worry about it lord Allioni, the must be a old grampa by now- the one next to him answered, -He's right, he'll be no match for use that were personally trained by lord Twigo himself so there no need to worry- -But it's better that you don't underestimate them, haven't I told you that before? During the uprising 10 years ago dozen of Holy knight where butchered in a instant- the young Allioni shouted at the others.

-Yeah...about that...- -What about it?- -...Well...I'm just wondering if that story hasn't been exaggerated a bit 'cause you know, they say that 1 Holy knight has the power of a 100 soldiers so what if it was all an exageration so it's a bit strange, isn't it- -You're wrong, I saw it with my own 2 eyes- Allioni exclaimed.

-Ok, ok, stay calm now lord Allioni, for now then just stand back ok, we'll see this by ourself, HEY, come out here- and like that the door opened and a kid came out.

-You bellowed?- the kid asked and after him a beautiful young woman came out and stayed beside the kid-Hello there!!- she exclaimed -Who are you kid and h-hello to you miss- Allioni exclaimed.

He locked eyes with her, they where as blue as the most bluest skies could be, he was already in trance, a cough was the method his comrades used to make him come back to reality.

-So..I'm the owner of this fine establishment and the one beside me is a friend of mine that I just met right before you came- the kid calmly stated as he smiled at the soldiers, -Where is the Rust Knight?, send him out!! the young woman laughed at the last phrase -What did I say that was so funny miss?- Allioni asked, -Oh...sorry about it...well then come out!!!- she said and after a pig dressed up -You called, I'm the Great Sir Hawk, the Rust Knight- the pig giggle as he stepped out of the tavern.

-A...a pig is one of the Eight Deadly Sins- a soldier exclaimed.

-O...of course he isn't- Allioni stated but the pig was more fast -How dare you, I'm the captain of the Order of the Scraps Disposal- the pig said -There's no such order, i'm sure about it- Allioni exclaimed, the woman smiled, everything, for now was going along with the plan.

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