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McKenzie's POV

I couldn't help but smirk to myself as I stood at the bus stop beside Zach, who was clearly uncomfortable as he shifted his feet beside me.

"Something wrong?" I questioned him as I looked up at him, his black hair neat.

"Did you really have to dress like that?" he muttered, his blue eyes trained on the ground to avoid looking at me.

"What ever could you mean? I'm just wearing the uniform I was given".

"Stop the innocent crap. You know exactly what I mean" his eyes finally met mine. I knew he was talking about how I had pulled up my navy skirt to make it much shorter, and how I had undone the top two buttons of my white shirt to show off my cleavage, but that doesn't mean I would admit anything to him.

"You shouldn't throw accusations around Zach, you'll ruin my first day at your school" I chimed, unable to keep the grin off of my face.

"As if I could ruin it" he scoffed. "You're probably excited beyond belief to be the only girl in school".

He isn't wrong. I had been thrilled that Dan, my stepfather and Zach's real father, had informed me that I would be transferring. I assumed that when the formally Artenia All-Boys Academy turned to co-ed over the summer, that girls would be excited to apply for the private school. But since then, no other girls have even sent in an application about considering switching. The heavens must have blessed me, because I was finally given an excuse to leave my awful public school, Artenia High. Not only was there almost no attractive guys, but all of the girls were petty and snotty. Plus, I was pretty much always a loner so it isn't like I'm leaving any friends behind.

"I'm not excited to have to call Dan 'Headmaster Marshall' if that's what you mean" I raised an eyebrow.

Zach rolled his eyes, and I could hear the bus turning the corner as it drove down to our end of the street. "Whatever, just leave me alone in school".

"That's kind of hard to do when we have four class together" I stated as the bus came to a stop in front of us. I could hear all of the roaring laughter and shouting from the open windows, and my heart pounded with anticipation. The bus doors swung open, and Zach went on before me, and I climbed the stairs up after him. As soon as I got on I saw that about a little over half of the bus was filled with boys, and some were really good looking boys. The laughter and shouting quieted down, replaced with whispers, and I felt everyone's eyes on me.

My eyes landed on a decently handsome guy with blonde hair and blue eyes, wearing a jersey and sitting by himself towards the back of the bus. I headed towards him, and as I passed Zach sitting with his best friend who I recognized, Finn, I heard someone from the seat behind them talking to Zach.

"Yo, you didn't tell us that you stepsister is fucking sexy".

I pretended like I didn't hear it as I approached the blonde, smiling sweetly. "Can I sit with you"?

"Y-yeah, of course" his side grin was cute as he moved over, and I sat down beside him with my book bag on the ground, closer to the aisle.

In the seat directly across from us was a guy with curly brown hair in the same jersey as the guy I was sitting next to.

"I'm sorry, but what is your name?" The blonde asked me, and I could tell that most of the bus was listening in on our conversation.

"McKenzie Petrova, but most people just call me Kenzie" I turned towards him as I spoke.

"I'm Mike Lexington" he said his name confidently, as if I was supposed to remember it from somewhere.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2018 ⏰

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