Chapter One: New Girl in Ikebukuro

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You sat on the train looking out the widow watching the scenery. You entered an underground tunnel signifying that you were in the Ikebukuro subway. It was dark and then the train entered the subway's train stop. The doors opened and you stepped out the first faces you saw were Masaomi's and Mikado's.

"Hey ___! What's up!" Masaomi ran over to you.

"Nothing, but, the sky," You smiled, "It's been a while you guys," You put your arm around Masaomi's shoulder.

"It has hasn't it ___," Mikado said walking over to you smiling. You noticed a bruise on his cheek. You removed your arm from on Masaomi's shoulder.

"What happened Mikado?" You gently touched the bruise and he winced.

"It's nothing ___. It's fine," Mikado smiled. You stepped back smiling.

"Well, if you say so," You gave him a noogie. Masaomi came over and put you in a choke hold playfully.

"Come on. We have so many people we want you to meet ___," You walked off smiling, joking, and laughing.

Masaomi and Mikado showed you around Ikebukuro. You met so many cool people. You met Anri, the balck rider otherwise known as Celty who was married to Shinra, Shizuo, Tom, Simon, then you met Walker and Erika, they were complete anime freaks. You met Kyohei, Saburou, Seiji and Mika shortly afterwards.

"Wow. I'm never gonna remember all those names," You sighed as you all walked down the street, "How do remember all of those names? Are you guys like Celty and fairies?" You turned around to face Mikado and Masaomi and waved your hands, "Oooooooooo."

"No we aren't and if we were I would make you boobylicious like Anri," Masaomi said smiled. You punched the top of his head, "OW! What was that for?" He rubbed the top of his head.

"That's for being a perve," You crossed your arms and let out a huff. Mikado laughed then you all were laughing so hard you were all leaning forward. As soon as Masaomi stood up he stopped laughing and looked serious while clenching his hand into fists. Mikado stood up then stepped back looking shocked. You stood up.

"What's wrong you guys?" You turned around to see a guy with balck hair standing behind you smiling at Masaomi.

The man closed his eyes and shook his head while his face was facing the ground, "You go around introducing yur girlfriend to everyone but me," He lifted his head and put his arms out wide, "That hurts my feeling you know," He smiled.

"You're the last person ___ should meet," Masaomi glared at him, "You're just a slimy dirtbag."

"Ouch. Well, that kind hurt," He put his hand on his forehead then looked at you. His hand went down and he stared at you blushing. He held out his hand, "I'm Izaya. Izaya Orihara. Nice to meet you."

Masaomi looked at him shocked. You shook Izaya's hand, "I'm ___. ___ _______."

"Why are you being so nice. That's out of character," Masaomi looked at him more intensly, "Even for you."

"IIIIIZAAAAAYAAAAAAA!!!" You heard someone yell.

"Well, that's my queu to leave," Izaya turned around and you saw Shizuo holding a vending machine getting ready to throw it, "Damn Shizu-Chan. Always ruining things."

"___ I would move if I were you," Shizuo said, "I don't want to end up killing you while trying bash this guy's skull in."

"Oh Shizu-Chan. You never grow-up do you?" Izaya said to Shizuo. You just stood there confused and wondering how Shizuo was able to pick up a vending machine.

Shizuo threw the vending machine.The world moved in slow motion. You faintly heard your name being called by Masaomi and Mikado. Izaya looked behind him and when he noticed you hadn't moved he dropped his smile and turned completely around. He tackled you and the world came back into motion. He grabbed you and turned his body completely around so that he would hit the ground instead of you. The vending machine landed two feet away from your guys' head to the left.

You layed there on top of Izaya your face buried in his chest. You were clutching his shirt crying. You looked at his face. He was sprawled out he lifted a hand up and touched your hair, "Are you okay?"

"Y-Yes," You looked into his eyes he let his hand fall to his side and he looked into the sky. You wondered why he saved you when you guys jus met. Everyone else made it seem like he was a bad guy.

"Good," He smiled he grunted as he sat up you still sitting on him. Both of you blushed and you jumped up.

"Are you okay?" You looked down blushing slightly.

"Yeah," He stood up and brushed his pants off.

You looked at Masaomi and Mikado and they just stood there looking shocked. You turned your head to face Shizuo and he stood there shocked, Tom behind him mouth agape and apparently Walker and Erika were walking by and were shocked also.

"Izaya? What the hell?" Masaomi said approaching him, "You never do that for anyone, but, yourself. Are you gonna try to manipulate her like you did me?" Masaomi was in his face.

"I have no intension of manipulating her," He smiled, "You humans are so interesting. So unpredictable. I love humanity," He gave a smile. Masaomi went to punch him he dodged and drew his knife out cutting Masaomi's cheek slightly, "Well, goodbye. Until we meet again," Izaya ran away.

You looked over at Shizuo who lit a cigarette. Erkia and walker were facing eachother hands interlocked jumping up and down.

"And we thought Izaya and Shizuo would be cute together!" Walker said.

"Yep and now it's ___ and Izaya!" Erika said.

Shizuo pulled the cigarette out of his mouth and broke it in half, "You guys what?" He turned his head and gave them a death stare. He walked over and flicked them both in the head, "You know how much I want to kill Izaya. I'd rather die then date him and he is probably just manipulating ___."

You just stood there wondering and thinking.

Who are you really Izaya Orihara. Are you who they say you are or is there something deeper about you? You closed your eyes and smiled, "You are a piece of work Izaya," You looked up into the sky.

-Izaya's P.O.V-

I walked down the street thinking about ___. There was something about her that made me want her all to myself. I didn't even anticipate that I would save her. I ended up hurting myself in the process. She is so gorgeous, I'm actually jealous the closest people to her are Masaomi and Mikado. They probably don't even realize how lucky they are.

I looked up into the sky, "You are a piece of work ___."

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