Lhai of my Life.

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Title: Lhai of My Life

Author: kairenzie

Pairing: Aoi x Mhelai

Disclaimer: I don't own the GazettE, esp. Aoi.

A/N: I just typed this @ my cp. hahahah. Gomen. Anou, I admit I'm a horrible writer. This is a fastpaced story. :D

~Lhai of my Life~

Mhelai walked silently near the sea shore. It was already past five in the afternoon so the sunset was clearly visible from where she stood. If you will look at it, it would seem that the sea is slowly eating the sun. Just like her. Being slowly eaten by the sorrow she felt.

Her attention was caught when she heard a beautiful music coming from a guitar. It was a bit familiar so she followed where the sound came from to confirm it. Just a few steps from where she stood, she saw a guy playing the guitar. She almost cried when she saw him again. Her Aoi.

"This is all my fault." She whispered while tears fall down from her cheeks. "If I didn't have that overtime, you wouldn't have to fetch me, and wouldn't be able to meet that horrible accident."


It was almost midnight when she decided to go home from work. She was the type of person who doesn't like to leave something unfinished.

She was about to leave the office when she receive a call from her most special someone. She immediately answered it.

"Yes? You need something?" it was the same line she often says when he calls.

"Is Mhelai there? I would just like to tell her that I really Love her." Her boyfriend Aoi answered sweetly.

"She knows that already," she answered and smiled. "Anything else?"

He laughed. "Where are you Lhai? Are you home already?"

"I'm about to." She answered.

"Good. Wait for me at the lobby. I'll be there to fetch you." He said.

"Eh? Don't you have a practice with your band in the morning?"

"No worries. It was moved at one so I still have time to rest." He answered.

"Oh, okay." She agreed then ended the call.

A few seconds past when her cell phone ringed again. It was a call from him again.

"Forgot something?"

"Yeah. I Love You Lhai of my Life."

"Oe!" she felt her cheeks burning. "I Love You too My Aoi. By the way where are you?"

"Almost there. I'll be there in fi--," he wasn't able to finish what he said. All she could hear was the screeching of the tires and his scream.

"Aoi?!" she nervously called out. "Aoi?! What happened?! Answer me, damn it!"

She heard him as if in pain.

She cried. "Aoi? Where are you?"

"Lhai?" his voice was low. "Always remember that no matter what happens I will always love you." Then the call was ended.

"Aoi?! Aoi?!" she cried calling out his name.


He met an accident, his car crashed on a tree when he tried to avoid the cat who jump out of nowhere. His eyes took the worst when the broken windshield went to his eyes making him blind.

She immediately went to the hospital where he was confined. She was crying silently when his parents and band mates arrived.

His mother immediately cried and screamed at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2012 ⏰

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