Dave's Nightmares

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I heard my door creak open and light footsteps. I knew it was Dave. He had been coming to my room at night recently. I felt my bed shift as Dave got on it and crawled up to me. "Bro?" He shook my shoulder. I rolled over and opened my arms for him. He crawled into them with a sleepy smile. As I held him I could feel his heartbeat slow. Something had woken him up again, I was putting my money on nightmares, but I never knew with Dave. All I really knew for sure, was he wanted my attention. He craved it, and if I didn't supply it he would probably starve. It's like he lived off of me noticing him. I really hope what he was doing at night wasn't some sick way to get my attention. I continued to pet his hair as I checked the clock. There was still hours before he needed to get up and go to school.

When I was certain Dave was sleeping I started texting Jake. 'You awake English.' It took a few minutes before he texted me back.

'I am now, what do you want?'

'If you were sleeping I should let you get back to it.'

'Oh no you don't! You texted me! You can't just leave me hanging!'

'Dave crawled in my bed again. I just wanted to talk to somebody.'

'Oh, again?'

'Yeah. I told you last time we talked he had been coming to me at night.'

'Is it nightmares?'

'I think so, but I didn't ask him yet.'

'Dirk! You should have asked him the first time he did it!'


'Yeah whoops.'

'So what do I do?'

'Ask him what's going on tomorrow, then solve the problem.'

'Is it really that simple?'

'I doubt it.'

'Thanks for the help English.'

'I offered very little so no need to thank me.'

'Sarcasm.' I looked down at Dave sleeping on my chest. This was so much easier when he was younger, he wasn't so clingy to me. But now he is, and it's not healthy. He's at the age where he should be fighting me, but he won't. He barely lifts his sword to me, when we strife. Maybe I should be tougher on him, but I can't. It's hard to be tough on someone you love so much. The only thing worse than him being clingy is not having him at all, and I really don't want to drive him away with tough love.

'Oh sarcasm. It's hard to figure that out through text.'

'Yeah I know, sorry for bothering you I guess I better go.'

'Night Dirk.'

'Night Jake.' I look back at Dave as he mumbles something in his sleep and pulls at me. I really think it is nightmares, but I guess lying with me isn't helping anymore. He whimpers and shakes his head no. I don't know if I should wake him or not. He whimpers again and throws his hands over his face like he's blocking something. "Dave." I pull Dave closer and push his bangs out of his face. His eyes flutter open and he relaxes. "Hey lil man, you having nightmares?" He shrugs and ties to get closer. I let him snuggle up as close as he can and then I try again. "So, nightmares?"


"What's going on in them?"

"You hate me."

"What?" His eyes flicker to mine and I stare at him hard. How am I getting into his nightmares? Dave looks away and bites his lip.

"In my dreams your mad at me, your yelling and telling me you hate me. I know it's stupid, but it still hurts. I can never figure out what I did wrong." I'm a little stunned. I've never told him I hate him, I've never been mad at him, and yet he's having these dreams that I am. How is this happening, and how do I fix this?

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