Chapter 1: Bella

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Narrator: It was an ordanary day started 7:00am in the moring of the year 2017 when William jefferson goes to his ordanary high school, in his ordanary boring town, atleast what he thinks his town is.

William: another day of school great can't wait *rolls his eyes*

Narrator:William is sarcastic

*William takes a hot shower then gets dressed for school*

William: *Yells while going
downstairs* Mom im leaving for school!!

Mom: Ok sweetie see you after school at 3:15 you hear don't be late!

William: Ok i won't

Narrator: william takes a bus to school. He gets on the 49, then gets on the 8, then gets on the 24, then he walks past the bum men, then he walks 4 blocks down from Robert street then, makes a right from his friend james house, and finnaly William is at school.

William: *knocks at james door* james you home? *door opens*

James: hello sir william what can i do for ye?

Narrator: james laughs

James: ha ha haaaaaa im so funny am i not? Lol

William: shut up come on its 8:15

James: so..... School don't start till 9:30

William: Naw sh*t dumb A*s im hear to chill and watch stranger things with you

James: oh well come in

Narrator: william walks in james house then sits on the couch next to the fire place

James: give me one seccond i need to shower

William: ok

Narrator: 1 hour and 20 minutes later.....( 9:20)

William: James?!!?

Narrator: james finnaly comes out of shower then gets on his favorite black Obey shirt and favorite millitary pants with his tenth favorite red and white jordans.Then goes down stairs to find william very upset at him.

William: what took you so long Dude?

James: im trying to smell good for the ladys

Narrator: james look at the mirror in the kitchen and bites his lip and winks at himself trying to look Hot while combing his thick hair.

William: please don't james just don't man thats creepy

James: oh shut up at least im not the one that don't combs his hair and stinks like crap!

William: lets just go dude

Narrator: james grabs his back pack and opens the door

James: come on lets go

Narrator: william and james goes out the door then cross the street to school

Time 9:29

Narrator: william and James both walk in school then goes to their morning class Which is science

William & james: Hi Mr. Reed

Mr.Reed: sit down your both one minute late

Narrator: james and william walks to the last two seats in the back row of five

James: psst william

Narrator: william ingores James then rolls his eyes. James rips a page out of his school science book crumbles it then throws it at william

James: psst will

Narrator: "will" is a short name for william. William flips James off then continue to read his science book.

William: *whispers* leave me alone im trying not to get yelled at by Mr. Reed

James: its some thing important this time i swear

William: what is it omg

James: Bella is not hear today at school

Narrator: william looks around in the class then relizes Bella did not come to school.

William: weird

James: i know right she never missed a day of school

Mr.Reed : Is every thing ok boys? Do you need 2 more detentions after school huh?

William: Um no sir i just need to go bathroom

Mr.Reed: Then go!

William: sorry Mr.Reed i won't play i swear

Mr.Reed: Yeah ok

Narrator: william gets out of his seat. Then while leaving William winks at james. Then james made an evil smile that he knew what will was doing and where will was going.

Mr.reed: Tmorrow you will have a test on the science page we just read (99)

Narrator: meanwhile out side of the classroom......

William: Where is bella she is missing i beter call her mom see if she is ok

Narrator: william goes to the bathroom but takes out his phone and dial Bella's mom phone number.

Bella's mom: hello is this Will?

William: yes hi ive been wondering is bella at home and is she ok? she did not come to school this morning.

Bella's mom: No she is not at home she left this morning she is not at school!!??

William: No

Bella's mom: well i better call her dad he wont be happy about this

William: well um i think bella said she would go to the school library.

Bella's mom: oh ok have her call me when you find her

William: ok bye

Bella's mom: take care sweetie bye 👋

Narrator: William hangs up the phone then trys to dial Bella's phone number which goes straight to voicemail.

Phone operator: please leave a massage for.....

Bella's Voicemail: Bella boiii
So leave me a message and ill call u right back beep

William: um Hello Bella i just want to know if your safe call me back please.

Narrator: william press 1 on his phone which sent the message and hung up. Then the phone rings

William: what the

Narrator: he answered the call with no caller ID

????: (Breaths realy heavy) Hello

William: who is this?

????: Help me please i don't have much time left but they are after me HELP me

William: ......... Who in the hell is this

????: You know it''s about ....Bella get away from this town they are coming for you Will they are closer to you than you think they are.

Narrator: ???? Screams

William: Hello? Hello? What about bella? And who are you talking about? Hello?

????: (screams) Bella No!!!!

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