I am My own Demon

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I find the concept of metaphors fascinating. How one word can ultimately mean a completely different thing and can be interpreted in many ways. "Demon" just one word, two syllables, five letters. And yet such a word is always associated with the "Devil" and being "Evil" and especially one thought to possess a person.

You're not good enough.

But what if you weren't possessed and you were the Demon?

I'm not good enough.

The human mind is another thing that I find fascinating. It has the tendency to build or breakdown an individual; whether that may be for better or for worse. The perception, thinking and judgement of oneself differs greatly due to an individual's experience and it is through this that one can become more or less who they want to be.

I am good enough.


"Are you serious!" I thought to myself as I rushed towards the glass door, earnestly wanting to get inside. Large droplets of hate pelted against my back as I faced the inside of the stadium.

"Well at least that feeling is mutual." I wondered as I peered up into the dark abyss hovering above. "Damn you to hell."

An inconspicuous voice whispered to me inside my head "HAH another set back, just what I wanted. Now I can go back home and snuggle into bed all nice and warm."

My fingers trembled so I curled them into a fist to knock urgently on the glass window as I realised that the door was locked. It was as if their stubborn hinges taunted me as they stayed tightly clasped together.

She whispered a bit louder to me again, "Oh look! Another! It's not meant to be. Just listen to everyone and give up."

"Why don't I get my own key to this place? I'm here all the damn time anyway." I mumbled under my breath as the wind began to howl and the cold started to seep through to my bones like butter on freshly toasted bread — such a contradicting simile but accurate nonetheless. I sighed heavily, my teeth chattering with newfound energy which the rest of my body was seemingly absent of. I looked pathetically across the empty car park while my foot busied itself thumping against the ground.

It was getting overwhelming to think. "It's not hard, trust me. No ones here. No one is ever here to support me so there's no use waiting anymore. Go. Home."

This voice was sweet and velvety. Comforting. And oh so tempting.

"Why do I bother making an effort anymore..."


I train by three rules:




My heart pushes and pulls me in the direction forward and stimulates me to prove them wrong.

The excuses that torment my mind are buried until I can no longer hear my own thoughts and submit myself to the world of physical pain and the mental clarity that fuels my passion.

I keep going despite the setbacks I may face.


Ben observed Taleah as she attempted to gain access into the stadium, albeit to no avail. Her figure was hunched and she clutched her bag in both hands as she scanned the car park.

He had the key to get inside.

"Her determination is admirable" he thought, but as she stood in the rain he quickly dismissed that and deemed her insane. She'll surely get sick if she stays out any longer.

I AM MY OWN DEMONWhere stories live. Discover now