The killer

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"Jessie, come on, wake up already! God you're such a deep sleeper!" Jessie's older sister yelled out.

"Mmmmhhhh, what do you want May, get out of my room." Jessie mumbled under her breath.

"Your five minutes late, mom told me to wake you up." May said annoyed.

"What!" Jessie said panicked. "Why didn't you wake me up sooner! Are you stupid, god I swear!" Jessie said getting out of bed.

"It's not my fault that you didn't set your alarm clock! Instead of yelling at me, you should get ready for school." Jessie looked at her with so much hate in her eyes and said,

"what does it look like i'm doing!" May scoffed and said

"Well it looks and sounds like you yelling at me and I don't think that you should be yelling at me like that, i mean, i'm the one who's taking you to school, and if you keep that attitude
up i may just let you walk to school." May said starting to get annoyed.

"Just get out so I can change, please." Jessie said clearly annoyed.

"Better" May said and walked out of her room.

"God! When is she gonna leave the house, she's so annoying, I can't deal with her anymore. She always thinks she's right, it annoys me so much." Jessie said while putting on her cloths.

Jessie then went off to school with her sister, after a few minutes they arrive at school and jessie rushes to her 1st period class.

"Jessie, why are you late? This is your third tardy! Don't you know i take points off every time your tardy, you have a D in her now. I gave you so much extra credit packets and you didn't even attempt to try doing any, report cards are due this month, what are you going to do to bring it up?" Jessie's teacher said angrily.

"Can I come after school to do it then, please, I need a good grade in this class or my parents are literally going to kill me, please, Mr. Jackson?" Jessie said pleadingly. Mr. Jackson looked at her annoyingly and said,

"Fine and if you don't show up, your grade will not be changed." Mr. Jackson said giving up.
"Thank you Mr. Jackson, you won't be sorry."

After the school day is over, Jessie goes back to Mr. Jackson's class but he's not there. Jessie waits there for 10 more minutes but he still doesn't show up.

"Why the hell would he tell me to come after school if he's not even going to show up? "Jessie mumbled under her breath.
As Jessie left the building she saw a lot of police cars in front of the school, she sees the principle so she walks up to him and asked him why there's a lot of police cars.
He said that they're looking for Mr. Jackson because he's suspected of killing someone.

"What! Jessie yelled out, "who did he kill" Jessie asks surprised.

"I'm not supposed to discus this matter with students, i'm sorry" The principal said apologetically.

"It's alright but I got to go home and do my homework." Jessie said about to leave

"Alright bye, but if you see Mr. Jackson anywhere, call 911 immediately, alright?"

"ok , I will, bye."

"Oh and before i forget, school will be canceled this week because the police are doing an investigation" The principal said last minute.

" alright bye," Jessie said ready to leave.

As Jessie was walking home, she noticed that a car was following her so she started walking faster. As she started getting faster, the car started getting faster also.

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