YHMH3-Pound Cake

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Chapter 3...Pound Cake

(Damien's P.O.V.)

I felt like my phone was burning a hole in my pocket. It had been five days since the art exhibit where Sunshine had given me her number. I was still blown away at how confidently she presented herself in front of my friends. Younger Damien would have already wined and dined this girl into his bed by now, but something felt different. I even felt maybe that somehow this girl was different. Sunshine was different. It was almost like I was worried about her opinion. The thought scared me.

"Damien do you have those briefs from the Johnson case?" my supervisor questioned. His question pulled me from my sunny thoughts, and back to reality.

"Almost finished with them, I'll put them on your desk," I stated as I finished up the previous documents. I was excited to be working at an actual law firm, even if it just so happened to be my fathers. I considered myself very lucky. I knew that not everyone was given the opportunities that had just fallen in my lap. I also knew this was my chance to turn my life around and make something of myself so I should just throw it away.

Ironically I don't see my father as much as you'd think I would. Especially since I moved into my own place. Mom and Dad helped me buy a small town house as a graduation present from law school. That is why Mom tires so hard to make sure we have family gatherings and meals at least once month. And trust me, she makes sure the whole regimant is there. Sure it's her motherly way of micromanaging us, but  I don't care because it's free food. Plus I get to see all my nieces and nephews. I hype all the little ones up with sugar, and then send them back home to their parents. The teenagers still think I'm cool because I'm not married yet. They see me more as an ally and less of a threat. Heck I was 11 when my oldest neice Bethany was born. But that's expected because there are ten years between my sister Rebecca and myself.

I was packing up from work when my phone went off. I quickly answered it throwing my satchel over my arm and heading out.

"Damien are you there? Hello Damien?"

"Yes, Mother I am here. There's no reason to yell into the phone. How may I be of assistance?" I asked her as I unlocked my car. I threw my satchel in the passenger seat.

"Well you haven't forgotten that everyone is coming over to our house for dinner tonight have you?" She questioned worriedly.

"No mother, I plan on being there. I'm heading home from the office as we speak," I replied.

"Are you bringing Anastasia?" My mother abruptly asked. It really confused me because she knew that we broke up months ago. It was probably just her way of melding. She has a long history of doing so.

"No mother you know that we broke up months ago," I stated starting to get frustrated with our conversation.

"Oh I thought you were just having a lover's quarrel," she stated as if this was new news to her ears. "Well what about that Heather girl you were so chummy with in college?"

"Mother, don't even go down that road," I laughed. The thought of Heather and I was very commical. We were more like brother and annoying sister. Though she truly was one of my best friends. She and Nia probably knew me better than anybody. Heck they were there for me when shit hit the fan. I would literally be lost without them.

"Why? I don't understand what was so comical about my question," she stated beginning to get irritated as well.

"Mother, Heather and I would never work out because we have too much in common including the fact that we both.."

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