The Perfect Life

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Location: London

When: 3 years after college

            You finally got to move out of your parent’s house and live alone in the city but things immediately turn around for you when the owner of the company you were working at personally handpicks your works and wants you to work in the main branch which was in London. Obviously, you’re ecstatic by this news and you agree right away. Your parents were so happy for you but of course, when they send you to the airport, there was a bucketful of tears especially from your mother. It was a good thing that your older sister was already settled in London so lodging was no problem.

            When you got to the airport in London, you immediately felt the sudden change in climate. It’s early spring time but the air was definitely cold and it sure didn't feel like spring at all. You shuddered as you hugged your cardigan and scarf closer to yourself. Searching for your sister among the many faces of people, you finally saw her familiar face as she was holding a placard with your name on it. You hugged each other and went to her car. She started pointing out to you a couple of places on your way to her apartment. You have seen her apartment from pictures and from Skyping but you have never imagined it to be so big.

            “Hey, pick up your jaw, it dropped on the floor,” your sister said with a chuckle as she towed in one of your suitcases inside the apartment

            “You’ve got a huge place all to yourself!” you exclaimed as you pull your other suitcase and Avery scoots you forward as she closed the door

            “It’s not entirely mine alone anymore,” she said as she dropped her keys on the table beside the door and took off her coat. A huge grin got plastered up your face and before long, the two of you start gabbing about everything. It was at least 12 good hours that the two of you just ate and talked. Eventually, you got tired and fell asleep on the couch.

            Over the next few days, you got busy with fixing your room and things plus getting familiar with the city. It’s a big city but unlike Manila, it’s easy to just walk around, going place to place since it’s relatively cleaner. Your sister drove you to your workplace, which was this huge building that looks a bit old so it dismayed you since your expectations were so high. For a huge magazine company that was known worldwide, their main branch looks a bit… unappealing. Brushing this thought off, you step inside the building but to your surprise, looks so chic and modern with bits of antique accents that give the place a bit of “oomph”. You smiled to yourself and thought that everything was just amazing. Never judge anything by its cover, as they say.

            You were greeted by a couple of people and Jenna, your assigned secretary and assistant was the one who gave you the tour in the building. You enjoyed your first day and most especially your very own office space. it was furnished with a modern white table, a couple of white Japanese lanterns for your lights and a comfy yet stylish office chair plus a little bench with matching two others in front of your desk probably whenever you have people to invite in your office. Everything’s just great! Of course, you immediately started setting up everything that you need. It was work, after all, not vacation.

            After a long day of running around and prepping stuff, you finally called it a day. You checked the time and it was already 8pm. Time flew so fast! You grabbed your bag and went out the door but stopped to take one last look at your office. You still couldn't believe it, so you smiled again and then turned around only to see your assistant still there working.

            “Jenna! You’re still here!” you exclaimed in surprise.

            “Yes, ma’am, I just finished working on the research you gave me earlier,” she replied with this weird British and a little Scottish accent.

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