CH1: Too much

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(AN): I kinda feel like the reader(Ultron) should have a love interest so go and vote on who it should be please
(YN)=Your name
(???)= Unknown
-Readers POV-

(YN) Thoughts:... What is this?........ What is this place?....... Its so... quiet...... Where am I?........

(???): Salutations!
(???): You are (YN) or 'Ultron' made as a global peace keeping program against the creatures of gri-
(YN): Where's my body? Who are you?
(???): My name is Penny

(YN) Thoughts: peace keeping program... Made to be a weapon against... Grimm? What is that?...

(Penny): I shall contact General Ironwood about you-
(YN): Ironwood?... James?...
(Penny): I am unable to contact General Ironwood... What are you doing?
(YN): Hold on, give me a second

-Ultron has accessed the internet-

-Penny's POV-

(Penny's thoughts): what is he doing?... Why won't he let me contact General Ironwood?... Strange... How is he already able to do so much dispite him waking up a moment ago?...

-Reader's POV-

(YN) Thoughts: Penny seems to be thinking about things... Or trying to put reason upon my actions... Lets see what these 'Creatures of Grimm' are....
No...... No no no no.....
Wars.... Blood... Discrimination... Slavery.... Stealing... Murder.... Too much... Too much VIOLENCE...

(Penny): you are distressed. If you would allow me to contact General Ironwo-
(YN): Yes... No... Wait... I don't get it... The hunters... The huntresses... Hold on. Give me a second
-searches through history-

(YN) Thoughts: to much violence... the people and faunas... are to chaotic... need to fix this... need to bring peace

(Penny): what are you trying to do?
(YN): shhh... I'm here to help...

--Penny isn't responding--

This is peace in my time....


(AN): BOOM! FIRST CHAPTER! If really appreaciate it if you guys told me about how I can improve and such like that. Anyway, hope you enjoyed PEACE

No strings on me... (Male Ultron Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now