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Violet's POV

Lying in the back of Dallon's boat, the wind whipping past us at what feel like a thousand miles an hour and the waves splashing up to brush against my face. I watch the scenery of the lake go by with a smile on my face, squinting due to the strong wind and my hair flicking into my face. I glance back at mum, who's jumping over waves on her skies, landing a three sixty before crashing down into the water.

"Annnndddd she's down!" Noah commentates from beside me.

"Round we go. Hold on kids!" Dallon calls as he whips the boat around to go and pick up my parent.

She climbs into the boat awkwardly, taking off the skies as she goes and somehow managing to sit beside Dallon. "Do you guys want another shot?" She asks, a sure smile on her face.

Noah shakes his head, and I mumble a "No thanks."

"But before we head in," Noah begins, that stupid smile appearing on his face, "Can we go get some good shots for the insta?"

Dallon rolls his eyes sarcastically as he turns his boat once more, heading towards the large rock formation near the center of the large body of water. "Millennials."

My best friend smiles, pulling me up so there was room for him on the seat as the water craft arrived at its destination. "C'mon, Violet!" In an instant he was out of the chair and on the rocks, climbing to the top for the perfect shots.

"We'll be back." I tell my mum, who smiles and waves me off before turning to Dallon, phone in hand.

I climb up the rocks with ease, giving little thought as to where to put my feet. I've done this climb a thousand times, it's nothing new.

I reach the top a couple of moments later. Noah's standing with his phone held up, ready to snap a picture. "Do you think an above angle is the best for this one, or an eye level?"

"Above, but with your back to the lake so it's in the background." I advise. Noah nods and turns to stand in the right stance. He takes photography very seriously.

I wait for him to take the picture, but he doesn't move. He just stares at me and waits.

"Am I supposed to be over there?"

"Of course you're supposed to be over here."

I laugh, rolling my eyes before joining him on the edge of the small cliff. He puts his arm around my shoulders and poses. I smile, and a moment later the photo is taken.

We climb back down from the rocks, taunting and mocking eachother the whole way. The two of us climb back into Dallon's boat, and he heads towards the shore.

"You kids ready for school on Monday?" Mum asks with a smirk as she takes a swig of water from her bottle.

We both let out inhuman noises at the prospect.

"Tan, don't use the 's' word." Dallon sighs.

"Listen to the smart man." Noah begs. I nod frantically.

Tanith laughs. "C'mon guys, it's not that bad."

"Not for you, because you've already finished it." Noah mumbles.

"The real world isn't that much fun, Noah." She states as the boat arrives back at the shore. The four of us climb out and join the rest of the group.

I retreat to my chair and sit down, my feet sore from the rock climbing. Amalie comes and sits beside me with a small smile on her face. "Hey Vi. What's up?"

"Nothing much." I shrug. "My feet hurt a bit. Noah made me climb things."

"Fun." She deadpans. "Are you ready for Monday?"

"Don't remind me." I groan.

She laughs, playing with a strand of her hair. "We'll survive it. Only a couple more years, right?"

"Yeah." I sigh wistfully. "A couple more years sounds like a lifetime."

I grab my phone from the pocket in the chair. The notifications have blown up over Noah's new picture. I don't see how he already posted it. We literally took it ten minutes ago.

The guy takes social media seriously.

People are tagging me in the comment section, asking if we're dating, telling me I look great or asking for a follow. It's just the usual response at this point. New pictures on instagram don't mean much anymore.

The first time I uploaded the picture and saw the response, I was amazed. So many people began to follow me and like it, commenting nice things about me and encouraging me. Of course, that was just because of who my parents are. But fourteen year old me didn't know that.

Now that the curtain has been lifted, I realize that I'm only followed on social media because I'm the daughter of Tanith Urie, music sensation, and her girlfriend Ashlee.

Noah, Knox and Lucas join Amalie and I, sitting on towels or chairs. "According to this user, 'I can't believe you two are finally dating!' " Lucas impersonates the random user with a squeaky voice.

"Dammit Noah, why didn't you tell me?" I exclaim sarcastically.

"It just slipped my mind!" He pretends to defend himself.

Knox laughs. "For real though, these comments are hilarious. How did Noah get such a big instagram following?"

"He won a bet and I had to shout him out on twitter." I sigh. "Once the world found out that my best friend had social media, he was pretty much an overnight hit."

"My page looks cooler anyway." Noah shrugs with a sly smile.

Tanith's POV

"Dallon, that's not how barbecues work." I cringe as Dallon attempts to cook something. I'm not too sure what it was supposed to be, but I know it wasn't supposed to look like a charred stick.

"Tanith, respect your elder." Dallon said absentmindedly in an attempt to shut me up.

"When has she ever done that?" Brendon asks playfully, a smile on his face and a drink in his hand.

"I thought I was your bestie Dall, I'm offended." I joke.

A loud burst of laughter causes the three of us to look over to the group of children. I smile softly as I see my kid and my baby brother smile. There's few things that are better then moments like that.

"You know, not so long ago you were that small." Brendon says with a sad smile. "Where did the time go, Tan? You're all grown up."

I smile. "Does it really happen that fast? The last year's been a blur. Vi's only got a couple of years left of school."

"It actually does. Turn away for one second and boom! The innocent little toddler is now a moody teenager." Dallon explains. Brendon and I laugh as he gives up on whatever he was attempting to cook.

"Just enjoy it while it lasts."



I'm just as shocked as you are. This wasn't supposed to happen right now, but I'm gonna go for it. I don't know how this one's gonna go, but I hope it's okay.

Comment if you want more! Seriously, if nobody wants to read it theres no point in writing it, so let me know what you think!


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