Part 1 Harry

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Hello readers! Fear not, the story is not gone, I am re-updating everything after some super intense editing and proofreading. Hopefully, the chapters will be longer, better written, and fewer POV shifts.

Thank you so much for still being here, I hadn't updated anything regularly in more than a year and people were still asking for updated. I suddenly found myself back here with the motivation to write, so here we are!

No characters belong to me.

Harry's P.O.V.

Friday, July 6th, Number 12 Grimmauld Place.

The Black family home was a sad and decrepit place. The Weasley family certainly did their best to lighten the place up, adding much life and laughter to the headquarters for the Order of the Phoenix, but there was only so much that could be done. The very walls scowled at passersby, and the paintings screamed profanities when disturbed. Though I was grateful for the escape from the Dursleys', I had been exchanging letters with my friends all summer and no one thought to tell me that such an organization, regrouped for the sole purpose of taking down the Dark Lord, existed, and the atmosphere did nothing to improve my mood.

We arrived late from my Aunt's and Uncle's house, Mrs. Weasley nearly had dinner ready. There was just enough time to escape to our rooms and catch up before making our way back down the steep, winding stairs.

"I heard Dumbledore has an announcement to make after dinner. What do you think it's about?" Hermione was curious, but didn't seem overly concerned.

Ron, taking the stairs down two at a time, didn't seem bothered at all, "Probably just an update on Fudge. They never report anything important while we're there, so why worry?"

"Dumbledore himself is going to tell us, that can't be nothing, now can it?"

I shrugged, "I dunno, no one tells me bloody anything." Oh, well done Harry, that didn't come out bitter and depraved at all.

Hermione's expression turned guilty, and then stubborn, "We said we were sorry, but you know we weren't allowed to tell anyone. Dumbledore told us specifically. What were we supposed to do, disobey a direct order?"

I deflated, already forgiving them. "I'm sorry, I know there was nothing you could do. I'm just frustrated."

Hermione nodded, accepting this, and turned back down towards the hallway. We had reached the last landing and were able to hear Mrs. Weasley yelling at Fred and George for apparating inside the house.

"Oh good, there you all are, hurry up, dinner's on the table." Mrs. Weasley ushered us into the room. As always, her cooking smelled wonderful, and soon Ron and I were more focused on eating than worrying. The narrow kitchen table was packed with members of the order, the energy brighter than it had been all day, the knowledge that I wouldn't have to go back to the Dursley's until next summer settled pleasantly into my stomach. Or perhaps that was simply the feeling of a full belly for the first time since spring.

After getting everyone second and third helpings of everything and clearing the table, we were shooed out of the kitchen. Dumbledore, who was now here, sat at the head of the table.

Mad-eye Moody, Snape, and a few other members had shown up as well, some lounging with a cup of coffee. Nearly everyone was there, packed around the too-small kitchen tables. And no one seemed to know what to expect.

"Now," Dumbledore began after greeting everyone, wishing us all a good evening and dry socks, "Might as well dive right in then. I have, what we hope to be, good news. You should all know that for the past few years, Kingsley and I have been keeping tabs on someone important in America. A certain boy who has shown remarkable magical potential with a rather distressing lineage. We don't know very much about him, but he could be in grave danger, and many of us have agreed that it would be best to bring him here. He is called Perseus Jackson."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2021 ⏰

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