ouran highschool host club one shot.

440 14 17

Hikaru's POV

He's gone. 

My second half. 

My little brother. 

My twin. 


I let him go. It's all my fault. 

I don't know when the school will find out. I don't even know when I'm going to tell the hosts. 

The hosts. 

The people that opened us up. That made us who we are. we. I can't say we. Now it's only me.

Right now my parents and myself are the only people who know. Well the doctors know too, but I don't think that counts. 

We all softly cry, but those cries turn into sobs.

Soon we're gathered around Kaoru's lifeless body. I can't even look at him. He's so pale. It scares me. 

I'm half expecting him to just pop up and go "I got you good!" But the other half of me is saying he's gone. Really gone. 


It's been 2 days. The weekend and all I've done is cry and cry and cry. 

Tamaki called me saying the club wanted to go to the beach all together. I tried hard not to cry when he very enthusiastically said he wanted the whole family to be there even if we were shady twins. I wanted to correct him, but I couldn't.

Today was the day they would find out what happened. 

I walk through the halls of Ouran getting some stares because i'm covering my face to hide my emotions. Everyone's used to seeing happy Hikaru already. Another reason they stare is because my beloved twin Kaoru isn't by my side. 

I also get comments along the way asking where my twin is, but I ignore it all. 

I walk towards music room 3 and close the doors with a slam. 

All eyes were on me. The club is here so I guess it's the best time. 

They all look scared and just plain worried. 

That's when I feel tears slowly trickle down my cheeks. I seriously don't know how I still have tears. I thought i'd wasted them all on the weekend. 

"Hikaru?" Tamaki takes one small step forward, but that's about it. 

"Hikachan are you okay?" Honey asks. I don't look at them I just look down at my feet. 

"Where's Kaoru?" I hear a smooth voice say. Same Kyoya doesn't even sound worried. 

"K-kaoru?" was all I managed to choke out.

"Hikaru? What's wrong? What's happening?" Haruhi's voice I think is the worst. She sounds so worried and I can't tell if she's worried about me or Kaoru. Her voice quivers as if she already knows what's going to happen. 

"K-kaoru passed a-away." 

I felt it. Their world collapsing. Not as much as mine, but it was collapsing too quickly. 

"Kaochan can't be gone? C-can he?" Honey said his face immediately became sad and filled with tears. He looked up at Mori who's face was for once filled with emotion. 

"Stop it guys. This is a horrible joke." Tamaki said looking down probably covering up how sad he really was. 

"I really wish it was a joke" My voice kept quivering and quivering. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2014 ⏰

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