Chapter 1

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Love & Friendships

Tom: It's about time I came back to this city. It has been 2 years since I was here, I remember I was in the last year of lower school. Now I'm back for the final 2 of upper school, you may be asking yourself why I left in the first place? I have been with family over across the country because I wanted to spend time with them!

Friday 17th July 2017 6:59am

(Alarm goes off)

Emma: Uhh School, but it is the final day of this school year.

Emma's Mom: Emma, it's time to get dressed for school?

Emma: I know mom! <Seriously I'm not stupid>

Emma's Mom: I will leave you to change, your lunch is downstairs!

Emma: ok thanks mom.

(Emma's mom leaves)

(Emma changing)

Emma: I can't believe how fast this year has gone, it feels like only a couple of months ago since lower school, them days were amazing.

Emma: I loved those days back then, every day something new would occur.

(A boy pictures in Emma's head)

Emma: that boy, why did he pop into my head. It's not he means anything to me, Does he?

(Emma goes down stairs and grabs her lunch and heads off to school)

(Across the road)

Tom: Yeah, I am going to go today but I will be officially starting next school year.

Jay: That's cool bro and don't forget so am I.

Tom: Oh yeah and I can't believe after 2 years I'm back.

Jay: And I can't believe I came to this city with you from London.

Tom: Yeah, I'm sorry about that.

Jay: It's cool bro.

(Across the road)

Emma: I can't believe school is nearly over this year.

Alice: Yeah It has gone so quick.

Emma: Next year we will start practice exams.

Alice: You know I hate tests and exams, so please don't even remind me of them.

Emma: Lol, Sorry about that.

Alice: It's alright, anyways did you hear about the new transfer students.

Emma: Yeah, I heard they will be here today but will be officially starting next year or something like that.

Alice: Yeah, I heard that too.

Emma: I wonder what they act like or look like.

Alice: I hope they are cute. You don't know maybe you one of the will become your boyfriend if you are lucky.

Emma: Doubt it really, I don't like dating so much.

Alice: Too bad, Its fun.

Emma: <Maybe I could try it>

Alice: I know what you are thinking, you were thinking maybe you could try it.

Emma: No, I wasn't

Alice: Course...... anyways after school want to go over to the mall to do some shopping then maybe go and get something to eat.

Emma: Yeah sure, it sounds like fun.

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