Go - Do it for You (about the fear of solo-travel)

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Go - Do it for You (about the fear of solo-travel, not about crossing the Serengeti)

Solo-travel and exploring on your own often seems to be something thats considered too big of  an hurdle, an uncomfortable area we'd rather avoid

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Solo-travel and exploring on your own often seems to be something thats considered too big of an hurdle, an uncomfortable area we'd rather avoid. As wolves we are more comfortable in a pack. I used to think like this myself. The thing is however, that we often (as singles in a busy world) find ourselves alone when we would have the time for an adventure. Schedules dont fit.
- Then theres of-course the differences in interests as well, and as being without a partner no one is "obligated" (please take with sarcasm :D) to go with you on your holiday to extraordinary locations and events. But hey, that said;- what a perfect time for you to do exactly what you always dreamed of !
All I want to say is go for it.
Dont sit around waiting for "maybe another time" due to the fear, and Im not talking about the fear of being scared that something might happen on the way (that doesn't seem to be the first thing that pops into mind when people hear the "why dont you go on your own ?" question), unless where planning on crossing the Serengeti at night with meatloaf as our packed lunch.. which probably wouldn't be that safe anyway, but of the fear of awkwardness of being a solo traveler (and pump into couples) or being hit by waves of loneliness.
Life is short, too short not to do things we always dreamed of, too short to let things like this type of fear stand in our way.
So get out there, whether its a concert or a trip around the globe, and enjoy your life while its here. Yes the waves of loneliness will come, you can bet on it. Mine came right as I sat myself on the underground heading towards the bus station. But these waves will fade if you allow yourself to see the beauty in doing this, doing it for You. And for times when they dont.. and they only end up growing stronger, you can always ride them. Meet and greet it as it is, explore it further and get to know You.
Another word for alone is by yourself; with ourselves as our companion. Isn't it ironic that the one person that will be with us through our entire life, the one that should be our very best friend, is the one were so afraid of spending time with ? That their the one we wouldn't go on adventures with ? That their the one whos company were trying to avoid ?
And then theres that worry of the awkwardness, the fear of it as well as the fear of us being presumed as sad, or is it really just our own judgment were afraid of ? Seeing other couples might be difficult when you're there on your own, same goes for bumping into a group of friends.
I felt this way when I went to spend time at the beach, when I walked the streets of Amsterdam exploring- on my 25th birthday, and this week when I climbed and rambled the hills of the Atlantic coastal path and met all the couples on the way.
Something like a singles room at an hotel or a table for one - can be scary, especially when you're worried that this is now the first official step towards life as an old maid (both from your own point of you and others). Dont worry, its not- and in the end of the day, like with the other situations, its all about perspective. We chose the lens we see through. And if you feel like the only single traveler without a travelling crew of friends (like in those fun adds on TV) - remember that theres lots of us out there, but not everyone of us have the same guts. See your strength in being capable.
Once you set your mind on going a solo adventure, big or small, and especially once you're out there, remember that one thing that often seems to slip our minds (applies to Ms Author too); - Who you are doing it for.
As singles - with that someone on our minds (or just potential pursuers, crushes..people our mind cant let go of)- we might be thinking about how the journey could gain someones attention. How they'll see our social media posts or sudden drop in messages, and start seeing us like busy, independent and interesting. How they might start to gain interest in us as they see how much better we are without them..
Dont expect attention. Dont sit around thinking of your next move with them on your mind, dont sit around waiting for a reaction. Dont waist your journey on thoughts like this. Channel your emotions towards who the adventure is for. You. But back to exploring.. it doesn't have to be far, just start by going somewhere new but close to where you live, or a bit further to a place that is already familiar to you, maybe this can lower the mental barrier of going on your own.
Once you go, you will know why you needed to, and you will thank yourself for not letting time, breathless moments or beatings of your heart slip away.
In the end of the day you are the one you live for, and you are the one you will always live with,So what are you waiting for ?
Help yourself see your own strength, learn to trust yourself. Grow whole. Be your own best friend. Learn to enjoy your company.Make a plan...andGo <3

Do it for you

Go - Do it for You (about the fear of solo-travel)Where stories live. Discover now