Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to All of my friends. I love you guys!

I do not own the rights to Supernatural by Erik Kripke. Etain is the only character that I own. Hope you enjoy it!

This is my story. The most amazing story that I will ever tell. I'm not a normal kid. I've always been the outcast. I thought I would never have any friends. I never thought someone would like me for who I was. And then, it all changed.

"Goodnight Mom, goodnight Dad!" I yelled from my bedroom.

"Goodnight Etain!" my Dad yelled.

My bedroom was across the hall from my parents. Tonight I was exhausted. I went to bed pretty early for a 18 year old. 9:00 is not my normal bedtime. I normally go to bed at 10:30. All throughout the night I had weird dreams. Dreams of two boys. Dean and Sam Winchester. The first dream was when they were young. All I could see was fire. That and Dean, the older Winchester, carrying Sam out of the house. A woman was on the ceiling, engulfed in flames. The woman happened to be their mother. It was terrifying. The next dream was when the boys were a lot older. They had to be in their twenties. They met an angel named Castiel. There were other dreams, but they terrified me to much to explain. I woke up scared for my life. "I probably just saw a preview for a show and imagined the things that happened to the characters." I wondered. But how could my mind do that? Trust me, it took me quite a while to figure out.

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