As I walked in, the first thing I noticed was a huge banner hanging from May's two staircases that said "MY PARENTS ARE IN NEW YORK, LETS GET WASTED." I was told later that Sasha made that. No surprise. I impulsively stated that I had boos, so I had to buy them using money I was putting towards my car. Eh, whatever. I placed them on the table, and took one for myself. "Budweiser" was the brand. I sipped it, and then spit it out. Oh no, not because it was bad. It was freaking delicious. I spit it out because Sasha and some random kid were swinging on a chandelier. But, it broke and shattered. I stood there in shock. "AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!", Sasha screamed. Everyone put up there glasses and chanted,"YA, YA, AGAIN, AGAIN." After words, someone offered me a cigarette. Impulsively, I took it. Then, I realized that it was not a cigarette, it was in fact marijuana. I started seeing weird things. May told me that I also crashed into her kitchen table and made out with a guy named Jeff. I stayed the night there. May called my mom and said we were having a "sleepover." We laughed about it afterwards. Not only were they my friends. They have became my best friends.
Ficțiune adolescențiViolet moves to a new school and develops depression. Her father and mother abandoned her at a young age. So, she lives with her grandmother. People treat her badly and unkindly. But she meets a couple of guys and gals that would change her life aro...