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rough outline; taken from a dream i had (note that i BADLY need to review/refresh on the source material/original story(!))

Opening Scene

(someplace in the andes, south america, set in the "now")

(Signor) Don Antonio (del Monte?) (senior?) is going about his business.  we get a look @ him & his life. estates? automobiles? etc.? ppl/family? (how long/how much to include in the intro?) lots of description, hints of things, his past, etc.  then something goes terribly wrong (large or small?)...  (& he's into it again)  (on the run? getting his family safe?)

@ some point in the story, need to flesh out how his (& wife's?) death(s) were faked. @ what point in the original story, does the plan/fakery start?  (really need to rewatch the film to plot this properly)
- basic idea (version 1) @ some point he was flipped by the fbi/cia/militaryintel/whatever, to inform/help on their operations. after that, everything (or at least many/most) of what happens in the original scarface was faked/a set-up.  should hook in someplace in the later story; after he's got big & influential (but before or after he starts to get really messed up? how much of that was real/fake? tentatively, i think i'll make a large part of that real; & part of how he got tripped up/flipped. then a messy detox?).  might foreshadow/preceed that with some past cia involvement, possible/probably around cuban(/anticommunist?) affairs? 

General story notes

tony montana is still alive

death was faked

cia & fbi connections (probably cia first & then fbi brought in to handle "domestic" side)

he served as an informant & intelligence source; possibly secret gov't protected witness; maybe even manufactured identity for testimony? 

relocated to a very nice, very secluded/isolated estate in the andes/south america (peru/columbia/bolivia/ecuador/chile?; i think i favour peru or chile? pick a country, any country... );  VERY wealthy, very private, different name, etc.  still with cia/gov't ties.  did very well for himself, especially in the reagan & bush sr years (anti communist, drug wars, etc.)

living comfortably & quietly, in grand luxurious t.m. style; let's call him "don/m antonio" for now ? (family? friends?)

& all of this was & happened long ago; he's got old & had a comfortable life, mostly quiet & pleasant, with some adventures & excitement salted in

stuff between then & now

(was there something i had thought of, for this story, that i've now forgotten? not sure >__< _?)


but now, something has gone wrong.

ppl are dying/murders, & stuff is going on w his cia contacts & the cia dep't @ the american embassy.

& it is about to reach/affect him &  his nice, quiet estate, life, family, etc.

but what? who? etc. .... ?

the cia guys are in trouble (career & safety); but the us gov is mad @ him too.   maybe they fear the whole operation being made public? 

tony's family; close & extended ? grandkids by now? at least

old gangster friends/enemies ?  & their kids, heirs, etc. ?

south americans; drug community, notables/powerful/politicians, locals, etc. ?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2021 ⏰

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Scarface 2: Tony Montana Lives - unfinished story ideasWhere stories live. Discover now