Chapter 1 (cancelled)

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As tunRIP the turnip runs through the market way, they are chased by some dumbass human fuckers. TunRIP is breathing fast because she's a really unhealthy little shit for a turnip that's only 117. If they were a human they'd be 23 but they ain't about that fit life. Ever since World War 81 was announced against the Turnips, TunRIPs got caught up in the wrong place. They live in Murica land which is not related to anything that it may sound like it is, it's truely a coincidence trust me. 

As they leapt in a way they thought was graceful for a turnip from a two storey building in a real fucking dumb way to try and escape some humans behind them, They conveniently landed in a pile of hay. When they breathed out in a moment of calm, voices sounded out a short way back. "Man, i'm a real fucking dumbass" they whispered almost silently. So tunRIPs crouched and stalked their way out of the hay and into the nearby farmhouse. Knowing farmers before the turnip war, they got real pissed if anyone got near their house, so they thought they'd be safe until the farmer murdered them. Soon enough the farmer shot at anyone trying to entire his house and returned inside. When he got in he was pissed at seeing someone made it inside. "what da fucken hell is dis bullshit. whatsa turnip doing ere" He then shot them. BANG!

Minutes after being shot TunRIPs awoke with the farmer beside them. "Woah aren't i ded. Who in the flying flamingoes fabulous fuck are you?" The farmer turned around, his eyes full of emotions and shit "Ey bish, we used to be best friends and shit and now i love you and all that bullcrap". TunRIPs eyes lit with happiness "OH unnamed farmer! I love you too!" Then they married and no one judged them because unnamed farmer was op and murdered everyone.

The end for now.

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