My New Roommate

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I had gotten to an all boys school a few weeks ago, winding up with my own bedroom since everyone else already had a roommate. It was absolutely glorious having nobody else around. I'm a 16 year old boy. I'm not exactly introverted, but I love my privacy. I'm smaller than most, standing at 5 feet.

I'm probably the best kid ever, I never talk back or do anything against the rules. So why am I at this school? I had no choice. A bully at school kept fighting with me, forcing me to defend myself, until we were both expelled. I still can't believe I let myself fight him. And I hated him for starting the fights. If I'd see him again, I'd punch him without any hesitation.

I was told I would be getting a new roommate, so I had moved all of my stuff to one side of the room. I wanted to make sure my roommate would have plenty of space for his stuff. I then read a book until I heard a knock on the door. I sprang up from my bed "he's here!" I thought, rushing to open the door.

My smile quickly faded. I was overcome with feelings of fear and hate when I saw who was at the door. It was him, Jake, my bully. He was around 5 foot 10 inches, maybe 6 feet. His hair was black and his eyes were a deep green. He was muscular and slim, you could tell he worked out just by looking at him. "Out of my way pipsqueak" he said, pushing me away from the door. He walked over to my bed and put his suitcase on it.

"'s my bed...." I mumbled, looking at him. I couldn't believe this was happening. "Too bad, it's mine now..." he said in a hateful tone of voice. Ok, now I was angry. I ran at him, trying to knock him over. He angrily grabbed me and got me in a chokehold. "Don't you dare try that again" he said before letting me go and pushing me onto the other bed.

I just looked at him, I knew there was no way I could fight him and win. Not with how strong he was. He started to unpack his suitcase, throwing my clothes out of the dresser and replacing them with his clothes. When he was done, all the clothes I owned were scattered across the floor. "Go on, pick them up" he said, sitting down on the bed he had taken from me.

I didn't want to argue with him, so I did as he said and picked up the clothes. I folded the clothes and put them in the drawers of the dresser that I had left empty for him. He grinned as he watched me, amused by my suffering. I knew he just wanted to make my life miserable and there would be a lot more to deal with until he was done.

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