The Losers Club

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Hi my name is (y/n) I just moved to this strange little town called Derry my mom got tierd of all the people and all the loud noise,She's an alcoholic and she gets wicked bad hangovers so we moved but I don't mind because I don't really have any friends anyway

              (Y/N) POV
I walked out of my room finally finished with my unpacking when I walked out I saw my mom had passed out on the couch with 6 beer bottles on the coffee table beside her "Typical" I say under my breathe as I walk outside and down the street exploring my new home,I walk down this street and see 3 girls they are all talking and laughing I walk up to them hoping to make some friends."H-Hi" I say stuttering a bit out of shyness and nervousness,they look at me and have a bit of a disgusted look on their faces then it turns into an evil smirk.A girl who was wearing a white shirt and pink skirt (them rhymes tho!😂)"My name is Ashley"(sorry if that's your name)"This is Mary" she says pointing toward the girl to her left who wore a blue dress with pearl earrings and a pearl necklace "And this is Penny" she finishes gesturing to the girl on her right,She wore a white dress with a pretty charm bracelet."I'm  (y/n)" I say as I reach out to shake their hands but they just stare at me like I'm crazy "...Um no..your supposed to ask to join our group then we're supposed to make you be our slave so you can join then you do whatever we want" Penny says sounding a bit mad for some reason "So let's try it again shall we" Mary says through gritted teeth,Now it is my turn to look at them like they are crazy I just stare at them and say nothing until I noticed they where mad.Before I could blink Ashley pushed me against a brick wall and she punched me twice on my left cheek I already knew there would be a bruise on my cheek the next day,I managed to slip away,I ran with them chasing after me I ran into a small woods opening  looking back watching them run by.I hit something and fall on top of someone holding myself up before I completely land on the person,I look down to see a boy he had a birds watching book holding it in front of his face as a... shield?..(Stan the twocan🐤😂😂)"I'm sorry are you ok?" I asked the boy before I got off of him,I helped him to his feet brushing off my leggings I look at him and he looks at me we stand there staring at each other in awkward silence until the silence is broken by a bunch of kids running towards us "Stan we saw that bird again!" A voice calls I stood there until I see 7 kids standing in front of me they all look at me I look around and finally speak "Hi I'm  (y/n)" I say as I nervously smile at them hoping they are more nice then Ashley and her friends "Hi I'm B-b-bill" a boy with blond hair and a stutter says as he shakes my hand "T-this is B-Ben and St-tan" he says pointing to a chubby/plump kid and the boy I fell on "A-And this is R-Richie and Eddie" Bill continues pointing towards a red-head boy with glasses and a short/small boy with an asthma pump "And this is M-Mike and B-bev-erl-ly" he says motioning towards a darker skined boy with a book in his hand and a girl with two braids 'she's kinda cute' I thought as I shook her hand.They ask me what I was running from and I explain to them what happened they told me that the girl who punched me is Henry Bowers's girlfriend I've learned Henry Bowers was the town bully we all sit by the river and talk more
           TIME SKIP
           Still (y/n) pov
It was getting dark but my mom didn't care that much if I was home or not knowing her she's probably out parting right now "So hot stuff where you from?" Richie asked me I blushed at what he called me "Um..New York" I say looking down trying to hide my blush "Oh a city girl!" Richie says as he smiles at me,"Don't be shy doll" Richie says as he gets closer causing me to blush more out of embarrassment "Richie your embarrassing (y/n) stop it"Eddie says "Alright Eddie spaghetti don't get your panties in a knot" Richie says sitting back down by Eddie,"(Y-y-y/n) do you w-want to j-join our club-b?"Bill asked as he smiles at me with a bit of hope in his eyes I look at everyone else to see them smiling as well 'Bev looks so cute when she smiles'(Bev is what the club calls Beverley)"Sure I would love to!" I say smiling brightly they all cheer "What's your club name?" I ask "T-the L-l-loser club" Bill says,I smile and tell them I'm going home because it is getting dark,They tell me to meet them after school by the river,'Oh yeah school...' I thought about how my first day would go as I  continued to walk home I think about the losers club,Beverly and how I made friends.
🎈AND DONE!!..FIRST STORY YAY!!SORRY IT'S SO LONG!!😀😁😂😂I JUST LOVE WRITING!! I know the reason the beat her up was dumb but they are mean girls who want to be respected by everyone or feared If you have watched mean girls then you know what I am talking about..mean girls are rude popular feared and of course mean...OK THANK YOU FOR READING MY FIRST STORY HOPE YOU LIKE IT🎈

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