I'm Home

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Hey everyone welcome to my first boyxboy story thingy! :D i'm so happy i got this idea and i really hope you like it!

Iain :3


One of the only things that gets me close to crying is nostalgia. The sent of home in the air filled my nose and moved to my racing heart. I get so nervous when I'm close to something I've been waiting for after such a long time but there is never really a reason to worry. On the other side of that wall was something I really missed, my friends and family. The doors slid open and faces from so many good memories smiled with glee and excitement quite like how I was feeling at the sight of them.

I lifted my hand in the air and began running to three of my closest friends as they screamed my name. I put down my bag and hugged each of them and tried to hold down my huge grin which began to hurt but I just couldn't help but be so happy to see them. I was always so used to being taller than them but now we're all relatively the same height so it shows things have changed in the two years of my absence.

Hannah as usual would dye her hair different colours during the summer but now that she's been out of school for quite a while now there's no end to it. "So I guess I can't make fun of your height anymore then, huh?" I said with a chuckle.

"It's not like you could before anyway considering you were one of the shortest guys in high school." Hannah replied cunningly.

"Ah, good point... Holy crap, Ben is that you?" I rushed over to the tall muscular man with newly pierced ears and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He wrapped his around my waist and hoisted me up.

"Wow, you got light!" He exclaimed through my shoulder. He put me down and I smiled sheepishly remembering how I was overweight when I first met him, which then led to more memories of home. My mother peered from behind Ben and smiled at me. She hadn't grown a bit and it shows I have been growing but I was still short next to Ben. I knelt over and gave her a tight squeeze even though she had visited me in England a few months ago.

I turned back to Annie, Bethany and Catherine and kept smiling at them and just being able to see them right in front of me again. Bethany made a face for some reason and pointed behind me. I turned to find a tall young man with dark hair and grey eyes that softly gazed at me with a smile to match it. His face gave me another dose of nostalgia and a warm feeling inside I remember having. Then coming to realize whose smile and soft eyes these belonged to gave me a cold feeling all over.

Devin, my second best male friend and my first love. I felt my mouth gap a bit but I quickly converted it to a happy surprise rather than a grim reaction. "D-Devin! Hi. You came to see me, that's nice of you." I greeted nervously.

"Welcome home, Brian." He replied with a soft tender yet deep voice. Now I had to force a smile on my face now and look at him until someone decided to save me from the awkwardness. That's not what he had in mind at all though. He extended his arms outward which was not what I was expecting at all. Back in high school whenever I asked for a hug he would never want one because he thought men shouldn't hug.

I was screaming inside the closer I got to him. I slowed down the closer I got until he pulled me closer to him forcing me to trip into him. I gripped on to his back while he held me in one arm and held my head closed to him. "We really missed you Brian." He said softly, freeing me from his grasp. I genuinely smiled now because I did miss everyone as well.


Seeing home was the straw that broke the cammel's back. I honestly am pathetic, tearing up every time something from my days as a teenager. I opened the car door a dashed straight to the front door of  my house. I had a really bad habit of barely turning the door knob before pushing on it. So in my rush to get inside my face plunged straight into the hard surface of the door. I backed up and opened it properly to a dark room with the sent of cat fur. I flicked on the light switch, lighting up the room and all my family photos on the walls and drawings I made for my mom.

I walked in slowly, dragging my hand across the back of the couch and bit my lip to contain my excitement at the next sight. My pet cat, Cereal, was sitting across the living room staring at me. He meowed, looking in my direction and walked straight up to me and sniffed me. I knelt down and smiled at him. "I know I smell and look different from how I was years ago but it's me, sweetie. I'm home." I said to him tearing up. He began to rub against me and purred louder than I have ever heard him.

I picked him up and rubbed my face against his, prattling away about how much I missed him. Annie stood at the door giggling at me loving off my cat. I put him down and  walked to my room with Annie, Cereal followed us. I put my bad at the edge of my bed and rummaged through it for my laptop. I pulled it out and turned it on and connected to the Internet as fast as I could. "Wow Brian, really? You just came home and you're going on your computer already?" Annie asked in disapproval.

"I have to make a call first."

"Oh yeah, that's right! You mean--"

"Yup." I smiled and made a skype call. The recipient answered in less than a second. "I'm home!"

"Um I would assume you were considering you said you would call as soon as you got home." Kevin replied.

"Oh hush! Say hi to Annie!" I turned the laptop to Annie who plopped on the bed next to me and smiled and waved.

"Hi Annie! Wow you're really pretty, did I ever tell you that?" Kevin said flirtatiously.

"Well um--" I turned the screen back to me cutting Annie off and gave Kevin a dry look. He laughed and made a kissy face.  Kevin has always been flirty, especially with me. I never liked him and the more he flirted with me the more I learned self control. I honestly thought he was going to hurt me but he really just wanted to be the best for me.

"It's going to be so awkward tonight." Kevin groaned. 

"I know! What am I supposed to hold onto when I sleep?"

"Well I meant that it's going to be awkward having the bed all to myself. I'm actually going to miss you kicking me off the bed. You only hold on to me for the first hour of you falling asleep."

"Well I'm going to miss kicking your ass of the bed then." I chuckled. "Okay I need to talk with Annie now. I'll see you soon, bye." He waved and I ended the call. I turned back to Annie to find her squeezing the hell out of one of my pillows and muffling her squeals behind it. I tried to hide my smile but my face went red anyway.

 Kevin is my boyfriend. I met him when I moved to England for college and started going out with him almost a year ago. He is the sweetest guy I have ever met apart from Ben. I haven't really told anyone about him yet because for some reason my family is expecting me to come home with either a black or Asian girlfriend.  It's going to be hard explaining why there are photos of a blonde white guy hugging and kissing me in my camera.

After remembering about all the photos we took together I decided to show Annie. She bit her lip in excitement and rolled about in my bed. Our conversations had gone from Kevin to stories of fun things we missed in each other's lives to boys and when I was single. "Hey, remember when you always used to say you would never find anyone to love? Now look at you!" Annie said cheerfully.

"Oh yeah." I replied, remembering mostly the bad memories of how Devin treated me. "But I don't love Kevin... I know he's really sweet and all I ever asked for after... you know... Devin. I just don't know if I love him yet."

"Oh please don't tell me you still--"


"Sorry. Oh crap, it's really late! I have to go see Bethany, she needs me to see her dress now that it's properly fitted. I'll see you later." Annie waved bye as she left through the door. I heard her say something before she left the house. I assumed it was my mother coming home. It wasn't too late to stay up but I was tired from all the talking and I really wanted to see as much people as possible before the wedding.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2012 ⏰

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