Real Love

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Not only a lovely song by the Beatles, released after John's death made from a demo, but perfectly described by these conversations I found from my school books.
Bold will represent my words and normal will represent hers. Also these are exact and I've included her use of capital letters because it's beautiful and I wouldn't change it for the moon.

About a tv show/movie in class:
What a wig the guy in red is wearing!
Idk buT it remiNdS Me of This TeachEr in TeeN WoLf
Of course it does

Guess what?
You'rE MaD I'm NoT?
We're both mad. Also I brought a really nice camera to school.

You Know whaT's BeTter than normaL caKe?
GiAnt SingulAr cooKiE With icing
Why am I not surprised

They SAy PracTice Makes Perfect, & you've alwAys been smart, but you'vE for hatiNg Yourself right Down To An ArT.
(She's not wrong)

And finally my personal favourite:
I wilL NeveR baguETte you
What do you mean by that?
Well, French is the language of love and baguette rhymes with forget.

I love you. Never change.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2017 ⏰

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