Fudge pool

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Friskwas walking through Snowdin without a care in the world, befriendingmultiple monsters on her way to get back home, when she noticed herstomach grumble loudly. Normally she usually ate when her health waslow, but her health was full at the moment so Frisk wasn't sure whyshe was so hungry. She eventually decided to look for food to quellher hunger.

Aftersome looking for food to eat,Friskeventually found a pond after walking around for a bit, and while itwas small, it was filled with a brown liquid. Wondering what it was,Frisk took a small drink from the pond and found the water in thepond to be hot fudge! Frisk knew that something like this was weird,but her stomach grumbled even harder than before and she decided tojust go with it and drink it untill she was full.

Onceshe was full from the hot fudge, she noticed that she was quite a bitbigger at 250 Pounds, which was pretty fat for her size. Her bellywas a big sphere filled with chocolate, and her bottom was a lotwider than she remembered. She even saw two small breasts starting toform on her body which had quite a bit of jiggle.

Friskknew that the hot fudge pond was most likely not natural, but thiswas the only food in Snowdin she could easily find. She eventuallydecided to wasgoing to find the source of this mystery lake, but just as she wasabout to head out she realized she was very tired. There wasabsolutely no way of telling what time it was since, well, there wasno sun, but the fact remained that she most likely hadn't rested formany hours, and after what she's dealt with, Frisk deserved a goodnap.
Shecreated a makeshift lean-to out of sticks, which admittedly was verycrude, but it would do the job until she was prepared to head backout.
Shealso attempted to make a fire, but the snow was falling much toohard, and the air was much too cold for any fire to be made. She usedLeaves as a blanket to keep her moderately warm (The leaves wereabnormally thick) and covered up.

Aftera while, she managed to fall asleep. As she slept, a figure crept upon the Campsite and Fudge Pond. They dipped their hands into thepond, and licked their fudge-covered hand.
"Interesting..."The figure spoke under their breath, "I didn't expect this."
Thefigure heard shuffling, and turned to look at the Lean-to. They weresurprised, and walked up onto the construct. Inside, the figure sawthe backside of Frisk covered by leaves. The figure mistook Frisk fora lost Monster, and picked them up.
"Aw,poor thing. Lost out here in the cold woods, I'll bring you home withme. We'll find you a good home, don't worry." The figure smiled,as they heaved Frisk's heavy, sleeping body.

WhenFrisk woke up, she felt significantly less cold. In fact, it felt...Cozy. She got up, and realized she was insomesort of lab with weird machinery. She felt very hot from the place aswell, but she still decided to look around for clues to where she wasnow. Before she could start, she saw a yellow monster walking upbehind her. Frisk was startled a bit and almost tripped, but sheturned around to listen to her.

"Hello,my name is Alphys, and I found you near some unnatural pond made ofchocolate. I'm not sure what you are, but if you want you can stayhere and I can do some tests on you."

Friskdoubted she could get home from here since she wasn't sure where hereeven was, so she accepted Alphys's offer. Alphys took Frisk into anearby lab room, where she saw a remote control, with anumerical pad on the bottom and on the top, in a sphere-likeformation, a Plus, Minus and a Multiplication symbol.
"That'swhat I call a 'Weight Amplifier.' It's effects are pretty selfexplanatory, try it out!" Alphys explained.
Frisk looked atAlphys, then at her own giant gut. Didn't she see how big she was?Why would she willingly make herself even fatter than this?

But,then again, there was a minus sign. That could mean she could losethis weight, but with a device called a "Weight Amplifier",it could mean anything. But, Frisk had no choice but to try itout.

Frisk walked up to the device, and typed in "50",then pressed the Plus button and waited for the effects. Suddenly,her weight rised almost instantly, and before she noticed 50 Morepounds were on her body, most of it making home on her giant butt."Yes that's what the machine does" Alphys then said. "Idesigned the machine to test the life style of creatures of differentsizes, but for now I guess I'll let you play with it."

Friskwas confused. She barely got sense from what Alphys said, but shedecided to play with the remote. After all what harm could come fromit. She then entered 10, and then hit the multiply button and over aton of fat flooded her body like a tsunami. She ripped right out ofher clothes and was now in her very tight, yet stretchy, underwear.Her massive rear was easily the biggest asset, but her belly wasequally large and her new breasts became even more round andfatty.

She was nearly the size of a car, but she could lose itwhenever, so she decided to just have fun with it.
"Amazing!I have never tested the multiplying function, but it seems to beworking as intended!" Alphys stated to herself, walking aroundFrisk's obese, immobile body.
Frisk looked at the remote,wondering if she should push this any farther, when she decided toshrink herself back down. Frisk thought about messing with her weightand making herself be as big as she wanted to be, but she didn't wantto break Alphys's lab. After thinking about it for a bit, she decidedto shrink herself down for now, and she used the last button to makeherself 400 Pounds for now.

"Thanks for testing theremote" Alphys said while holding a pill. "Now take this.If I'm correct it should allow you to walk at any weight you become,to make it easier to get around here." Frisk took the pill asinstructed, and she barely felt it working.

LaterFrisk was sitting down on a couch, watching a DVD that Alphys had onthe shelf and eating some Chisps. The DVD was labelled "HumanHistory", but was just a cartoon about two siblings in a wholenew world with strange rules.
As Frisk ate, she heard Alphyscalling her down. She apparently had big news to share.

WhenFrisk finally made it down the stairs, Alphys had a book in herhands. It was a book about ancient Underground History, and itapparently mentioned the Fudge Pond.
Frisk flipped to the page,and read it in her head...

ThePond of Chocolate
It is no mystery that the Human Princess of theUnderground, known as Chara, had a sweet tooth. Especially forChocolate.
The King and Queen wanted something to give to theiradopted child on their birthday, which happened to be the same dayshe fell down that hole. So they had to make it very special.
TheQueen suggested they create a Pond of Fudge, a large one, so thatPrincess Chara may swim and indulge in it as she pleased. So theydid, and from it came joy to Chara. She loved it so very much, untila poor cooking venture lead to the sickness of the King. Since then,nobody, not even the Princess Chara, was allowed to return. It issaid that those who indulge in the pond will gain Chara's Gluttony,and continue to be drawn back to the pond to drink from its sweet,delicious chocolate.

Safety Level: Medium. Stay away and donot, under any circumstances, drink from the pond.

Friskwas a bit worried, but so far she hadn't been drawn back to the pond.But then again, she did have easy access to fattening foods, soperhaps that quelled her desire.
"Atleast we know what it is now... don't worry about that cursenonsense. It's most likely a bunch of hogwash, this is hundreds ofyears old..." Alphys explained.
Justthen, however Frisk's stomach growled very menacingly, and was loudenough for Alphys to hear. "Oh, you must be very hungry. Wellluckily I know how to make all manners of food using science, so justwait a bit while I make you a feast." With that Alphys left foranother room while Frisk thought about the story.

She startedto think that the curse of gluttony in the story was her appetitebeing risen to higher levels, and that drinking a lot of it must havemade her almost always hungry, but before she could finish herthought, Alphys returned with a huge variety of human and monsterfoods. Frisk decided to dig in to quell her stomach, and by the timeshe was done and full she was 2800 pounds. She ate all the foodthere, like a flurry of Gluttony she devoured everything on thetable.
When she was finished, she was well over a ton, and herbelly alone surpassed Alphys in height and width.
Alphys realizedthe food must have been very fattening due to how large Friskwas.

Surprisingly, however, Frisk was still hungry. It seemedas if she couldn't be sated, no matter how large the meal.
Alphysrushed to get more food, worried Frisk might be uncomfortable beingso hungry. But she also needed to find another way to quench thisseemingly endless appetite.

Alphys, after searching around,found a "Here, try this." Alphys said, quickly givinganother pill to Frisk when she looked like she was in pain from herhunger. "This should halt your hunger for a hour or two. Itmight bloat you a little, but at least you won't be sohungry."

Frisk swallowed the pill like Alphys said, andafter a bit, her hunger subsided. Also like Alphys said, Frisk alsowas slowly bloating up with weight as the pill took effect. When shewas done growing she was 3000 pounds and was 200 pounds heavier. Herbottom was easily her biggest part and could touch the walls from themiddle of the room. Her stomach was also a massive dome, and each ofher breasts were easily the size of half of Alphys.

Alphyscontinued studying Frisk to figure out her immense hunger, and laterThe pill wore off, and Frisk's insatiable hunger reawakened inside ofher.
Alphys realized that, no matter what Frisk ate, she wouldstill be hungry. It was obvious that the only thing that wouldsatisfy Frisk's hunger was from the Fudge Pond, but that was all theway back in Snowdin, and it would be difficult transporting a 3,000pound child from here to there, even if they could move on theirown.

Alphys had to make a decision. Either leave Frisk aloneand collect the Fudge from the pond herself, or lead Frisk to thepond, despite the difficulties that would ensue, it would allow Friskto enjoy as much Fudge as she wanted.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2017 ⏰

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