Chapter 1: Motel

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The sound of Sam's snoring filled the car, and the light emitted from the passing signs lit up the dark streets. It was pouring outside, the rain hit the car windows distorting the view of the road. Jett hands gripped the steering wheel of the 69 Chevy impala, Sam and him have been hunting a pack of werewolves for nearly 3 weeks and they had finally found where the beasts had settled. Sam had fallen asleep a few hours ago (even though he said he'd only take a 30 min nap) Jett wasn't mad though, the long haired man never usually had time to sleep so when he did Jett felt relieved. They would need all the energy they had to eliminate the werewolves. The two men have worked before on cases but nothing to this degree, usually Sam's older brother ,dean, would help but there was intense tension between them after an argument about the werewolves, so he decided not to come. Goosebumps ran up the arms of the driving man, he would be lying straight through his teeth if he said he wasn't the least bit nervous --but he knew Sam would do anything to keep him safe--. Jett took his eyes off the road for a split second to look at the sleeping figure laying beside him, his heart skipped a beat, he saw Sam with his mouth slightly open and his hair messed around his chiseled features with the map still grasped in his hands.

It was getting late and Jett knew they couldn't fight a group of vicious monsters when they could barely keep there eyes open, so he decided to look for the nearest motel and sleep the night so they could fill their energy for the next day. He opened his phone and squinted at the high brightness, he looked at the map and read that there was a motel about 8 min away from where they currently were. After the twists and turns of the road the car had finally arrived at the motel. Old motor inn, read the gleaming white sign above the front doors of the motel."Sam, it's time to wake up, we're at a motel to sleep in overnight". Jett softly whispered to the sleeping man. Sam mumbled in response and jett chuckled. The two men had gotten out of the car to grab their bags of clothes and other supplies they needed for the night. As jett went to reach for the bag of weapons his hand had collided with Sams ending up with the two men staring into each others eyes with their hands tangled together. Jetts eyes had flickered from Sams multicoloured eyes to his beautiful pinks lips, Sam started to lean in, 'Not right now' the younger boy thought and turned away from Sam. It was not secret that there was some sort of attraction between Sam and jett. Many people including Dean and Cas (the angel that was the only family Sam and dean had left besides jett), teased the two other men for there awkward encounters they had with each other due to the unstoppable feeling they both had deep inside them. Jetts hands unclasped from Sams to grab another bag, he could feel his face heat up as he could feel Sam's eyes on the back of his head when he walked up to the motel doors.

"Hi, i need a room with two beds, just for the night." Jett had said to the women at the front counter. Sam walked in and both jett and the lady looked at him walking up to counter then putting his arm around Jetts back. Jett could feel his face turn pink when he felt the taller man's touch against his back.

"Are you sure you don't want one bed honey?" The woman said with a thick southern accent. Sam's hand retreated back to his side when he heard the lady speak, which resulted in a few second of awkward silence. Jett spaced out thinking about what it would actually be like to share a bed with Sam, how Sam would hold him in his arms and whisper sweet nothing into his ear til they both fell asleep. Sam's fingers snapped in front of jett and yet again he could feel his face on fire from his thought.

"Uh no the two beds please" Jett told the lady and she handed them a key to room 221. They walked down the hall trying not to make things more awkward than they already were. Sam had always been touchy with jett but jett never thought anything of it, he simply thought that's how he was. But after watching him with other people and the countless encounter they've had like the one a few minutes ago jett started to suspect something. Sam had feelings for him and he had feelings for Sam, unfortunately the family business wasn't very romantic. Jett knew his fondness for Sam couldn't get in the way of saving the lives of innocent people so he never acted on it. The hallway was dimly lit, the lights flickered every so often and gave a yellowish tinted light. Wallpaper was peeling off the walls and there were unknown stains on the carpet floor which jett wanted to stay unknown. Jett held his breath not wanting to smell the scent of dirty blankets and towels that were left in a basket in the hallway. Sam chortled looking at the way Jett held his breath or pinched his nose while walking down the hall. 'How can someone be so adorable' Sam thought to himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2017 ⏰

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