The begining

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When our kids max and Rafael turned 6 and 8 was the year me and Alec finally got married in Alicante under the watch and permission from the inquisitor Imogen Herondale. The look on my kids faces when we finally got hitched just made my heart feel like a worm fire on a chilly night. But I knew that it wouldn't last this worm happy feeling was going to end and my kids don't even know yet, I just don't want to think what there reaction will be when Alec leaves for Prague for a month on one of his hardest missions ever. I'm so scared of losing him I don't know what I would do. But for now I'll just let happiness be contagious and tell the boys in the morning.
I woke up from this horrific dream screams like agony left my lips, Alec jumped making sure I was ok I couldn't describe the dream it was that horrifying, tears left my face as I woke up the kids ran in to see if I was ok hugging me like I was dead. I wiped my tears away and told the boys to "get dressed we have a big day ahead of us". After breakfast we all went down to the beach for a swim the boys went in kicking and splashing away, after a nice swim we all went out for ice cream then me and Alec sat the boys down and we told them "daddy Alec has to go on a very dangerous mission for a while to Prague" Rafael understands more then max and took it harder then him. The hole walk back Rafael wouldn't say a word but max could not stop talking asking questions about the mission and Prague, when we finally got back to the apartment Rafael ran straight to his room slamming his door very violently that China could hear it. I went in to make sure he was ok and I told him that " this daddy's last mission away before he starts full time as head of the New York institute and he will be home every night to tuck you and your brother in and read you both a bedtime story", he finally sat up and looked straight into my eyes and said "I don't care that dads going away" and I asked "then why are you upset silly" and he told me " I know what's  going on in Prague, the war that's happening I know about the people that are dying all the shadowhunters and downworlders  killed every second this war is still among us, I just don't want to lose dad" as he said with a single tear streaming down his face. I gave him the biggest hug I could give and asked "do you know who your father is? He is Alec Gideon lightwood-bane one of the greatest shadowhunters know in time and history itself and nothing and no one can take that away from him, I can tell you know your father will return with a gift for you and your brother" so we walked out and Rafael ran up and gave Alec a hug. By dinner time the boys were discussing what gift they won't Alec to bring back for them, I said " boys your father has to leave tomorrow so I think it's time you both got read for bed and let your father relax and settle for bed and you can say goodbye in the morning" the boys got up and gave Alec a kiss and a hug and went off to bed I said "I'll be in soon to say goodnight". I waked over to Alec and gave him a scotch on the rocks and a kiss before I went in to tuck max and Rafael in. As I opened the door the boys jumped out and screamed it scared me like a teenage girl in a horror movie, as I dropped to the floor Alec came running in to see what happened, when Alec got to the room he dropped to the floor pissing his pants of laughter. I turned and slapped him in the face in a playful way,as we got up from the floor we both tucked the boys in and read them a bedtime story.
As I close the door the phone in my study starts ringing, i walked or and answered it but it wasn't the type of call that anyone would want to get. When the person on the other line spoke there name I fell to my seat as Alec walked in wondering who's on the phone,as the phone dropped out of my hand and hits the floor Alec ask "who was it? Magnus who was on the phone? What's up? What happened? Is everything ok?" The look on the face, the thoughts going through my head right now I just can't think but the only words that leave my lips are "Grand High Downworld Council" I just couldn't think why would the G.H.D.C want to see me as soon as possible I just didn't know why. Alec asked "why would G.D.W.C want to talk to you you have done nothing, you are high warlock of Brooklyn a respected warlock at that" and he kept asking "why would they want to talk to you?" In response I said "it could just be business related or the is a new leader, I don't know Alexander I don't know" I asked Alec to leave me for a bit as he walked out I started to think. The first thing I did was buy a plane ticket to meadowcastle in esterdall in between France and Switzerland next I see if clary could babysit, luckily the phone rang and it's clary asking me for help about the New York institute asking "what do I do I don't know anything about running an institution Magnus I need your help" but in response I told her "I've been called down to the G.H.D.C and I need you to babysit the kids if that's ok with you it's just apparently it's urgent and I can't get out of it" she just said "that's fine with me I know that the G.H.D.C is a really big with the Downworld community and that it's scary to get summoned to the most powerful Downworlders in history and time itself" I thanked her and told her, "Alec is leaving at nine and my flight is at 11 night time so if it's ok I'll bring the kids over at 6" Clary said "that's fine with me I'll just ask jace and make room" and asked "do you know how long you'll be in esterdall?" I just replied, "I don't know 100% but hopefully it's no longer than a week if that's ok" clary just said " bring them over anytime for as long as needed Magnus for as long as needed" I was so thankful thank clary could do this for me and I packed the boys and my bag immediately.
While I was packing Alec walked in and asked " what was going on? Why are you packing a bag for yourself and the kids? Magnus what's going on?" I told him " I'm going to see the G.H.D.C tomorrow, clary is looking after the kids for a week just until I can clear everything up with the G.H.D.C" but he just looked at me still wondering what I was called down for. I just said to him "don't worry about me it's probably a mistake and it will be dealt with and I'll be back with the kids before you knew it" as i put the packed bags on the floor and hoped into bed with Alec as always he rapes his arms around me making me feel safe as we drift off to sleep till the morning.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2018 ⏰

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